The Sun (Malaysia)

Iran says nuclear deal ‘within reach’


Iran’s top diplomat said yesterday that an agreement to revive his country’s nuclear deal with world powers was “within reach” but that this depended on the goodwill of the West.

Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahia­n said on Twitter that negotiatio­ns in Vienna were “proceeding with seriousnes­s” and that the removal of sanctions was a “fundamenta­l priority”.

The talks resumed on Monday. European diplomats had warned on Tuesday that “we don’t have the luxury to spend time on niceties” and that they would assess the “seriousnes­s” of Iran’s position in the next 48 hours.

In his tweet yesterday, Hossein said the expert talks were continuing and that he was in daily contact with his deputy and lead negotiator, Ali Bagheri.

“Good deal within reach if the West shows good will. We seek rational, sober and result-oriented dialogue,” he said.

The goal of the Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action is to make it practicall­y impossible for Iran to build an atomic bomb, while allowing it to pursue a civilian nuclear programme.

The 2015 accord offered Iran a lifting of economic sanctions in return for strict curbs on its nuclear activities.

But the deal started to unravel in 2018 when then US president Donald Trump pulled out and began imposing sanctions on Tehran.

In turn, Iran, which denies it wants to acquire a nuclear arsenal, has gradually abandoned its commitment­s since 2019.

The remaining parties to the 2015 agreement – Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia – are participat­ing directly in the Vienna talks.

At Iran’s insistence, the United States is doing so only indirectly.

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