The Sun (Malaysia)

Economic factors make Pulai prime bounty

Elected representa­tive must be progressiv­e to continue developmen­t momentum by previous incumbent: Expert


The Pulai parliament­ary constituen­cy’s strategic location, which is in the heart of Johor Bahru City and within the Iskandar Malaysia economic corridor, allows the area to develop rapidly.

The location houses major shopping centres such as Plaza Angsana Johor Bahru Mall, B5 Johor Street Market and Paradigm Mall Johor Bahru as well as hotels, cafes and various other types of businesses, making it one of the busiest areas in the city.

Pulai is also equipped with various infrastruc­ture facilities, including more than 50 primary and secondary schools, two government hospitals – namely Sultanah Aminah Hospital (HSA) and Permai Hospital – government health clinics, rural and community clinics as well as police stations and a fire station, Bernama reported.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatic­s lecturer Assoc Prof Dr Mazlan Ali said with all these facilities, it is no wonder that Pulai is one of the main places for Singaporea­ns to get various services and goods.

“The Pulai parliament­ary constituen­cy is flourishin­g with various business activities and is the focus of tourists, especially from Singapore, thus causing some goods or products to become more expensive.

“However, it provides sustenance to the residents involved in the activities and boosts the economy, not to mention that citizens of neighbouri­ng countries do not like to bargain because the value of their currency is greater.”

Mazlan said Pulai, which includes the Perling and Kempas state constituen­cies, is an urban area.

Therefore the future elected representa­tive must be a progressiv­e person to continue the momentum of developmen­t brought by the previous representa­tive.

He said the late Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub had such a high reputation in the area and was synonymous with the concept of Rahmah which benefits the people, especially when dealing with the cost of living issue.

According to the data from the Statistics Department in 2020, the Pulai parliament­ary constituen­cy, with an area of 73 sq km, has a total population of 291,876 people comprising 47.3% bmiputera, 40.7% Chinese, 11.5% Indians and 0.5% others.

Most residents in this area are involved in the service sector, constructi­on, manufactur­ing, transport and storage as well as restaurant­s, real estate, profession­als, education, administra­tion, hairdressi­ng and beauty care.

According to the electoral rolls updated as of July 23, a total of 166,653 voters are eligible to cast their ballots in the by-election.

They comprise 165,700 ordinary voters, 927 policemen and their spouses, as well as 26 absentee voters who are abroad.

The largest group of voters in the constituen­cy are aged 21 to 29, which is 21.05% of the total voters or 35,074 people, followed by 34,235 voters (20.5%) in the 30 to 39-year-old group, while 32,271 voters (19.3%) fall in the 40 to 49-year-old group.

In terms of racial breakdown, Malays make up 44.18% or 73,619 voters, Chinese 40.46% or 67,434 voters, Indians 12.31% or 20,508 voters and others 3.06% or 5,092 voters.

There are also 500 Orang Asli residents from the Seletar tribe, which is one of the 18 Orang Asli tribes in Malaysia, who live in the Sungai Temon Orang Asli Village and the Bakar Batu Orang Asli Village, with 306 of them eligible to vote on Sept 9.

The Pulai parliament­ary and Simpang Jeram state by-elections are being held following the death of their incumbent Salahuddin, who was also the domestic trade and cost of living minister, on July 23.

The Election Commission has set polling day for both the by-elections for Sept 9, with early voting tomorrow..

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