The Sun (Malaysia)

Zero tolerance

O Govt accepts criticism, but raising 3R issues and inciting hatred among races will draw full brunt of law: Anwar


JOHOR BAHRU: The unity government will not tolerate any attempt to incite the people and cause division among the races, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. He added that he was not afraid and was open to criticism, but inciting the public to create conflict in the country’s multi-racial society was not acceptable.

“I do not agree that the Sedition Act should be used against those who criticise the prime minister and the government, but we will not tolerate anyone who tries to incite or slander to the point of touching on the 3R (race, religion and royalty) issue. Let the police take action.

“You can criticise anything and anyone but if you use sentiments, incite Malays to hate Chinese, incite people to use religion to accuse others of infidelity ... I stress that I will not tolerate it.”

Anwar was speaking at the Madani Unity Mega Ceramah held in conjunctio­n with the

Pulai parliament­ary by-election at Taman Uda Utama in Perling on Sunday.

The event was also attended by Amanah president Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu, Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi and the PH candidate for the Pulai parliament­ary seat

Suhaizan Kaiat.

Anwar, who is also PH chairman, said the people must reject parties that only play up the politics of hatred and extremism, adding that they rely on the sentiment that DAP is preventing the unity government from helping the people, especially the Malays, whereas DAP consistent­ly supports all initiative­s for the people, regardless of race.

“DAP is with PH. If DAP rejects the Federal Constituti­on, we (PH) will fight it (DAP). If it does not accept Islam as the federal religion, we will oppose it. But instead, they accept.”

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