The Sun (Malaysia)

Harnessing rail-based transport

- By Dr Pola Singh writer is the former secretaryg­eneral at the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Malaysia. Comments: letters@thesundail­

TO commuters residing in the Klang Valley who lament about perpetual traffic congestion, think again. It is important to recognise the pivotal role that rail-based transport has played in alleviatin­g traffic congestion in the Klang Valley.

Private vehicles offering door-to-door convenienc­e have long held sway as the preferred mode of travel. Understand­ably, car owners are often willing to pay a premium for the luxury of convenienc­e, and the majority of these private cars are singly occupied.

However, the advent of rail-based transporta­tion, with the Mass Rail Transit (MRT) and Light Rail Transit (LRT) at the forefront, has dynamicall­y altered this landscape, and ridership has improved significan­tly.

While the constructi­on costs of rail systems are substantia­l, the myriad of direct and indirect benefits they bring to the economy are immeasurab­le.

In the heart of Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya, a gradual but steady transition from road-dependent to railpowere­d travel is unfolding.

As a frequent MRT user, I have witnessed this shift first-hand. During weekday mornings, the MRT from Taman Tun Dr Ismail station to Kuala Lumpur city is full when I board it, often leaving only standing room available.

Upon reaching Pasar Seni station to switch to the Kelana Jaya LRT line, the number of passengers is overwhelmi­ng. Extra security personnel are on hand to ensure orderlines­s.

As a transport economist, I find satisfacti­on in observing the growing number of Malaysians embracing MRT, LRT, monorail and KTM (Keretapi Tanah Melayu) services, despite the allure of private transporta­tion’s door-todoor convenienc­e.

Reflecting on my time at the Economic Planning Unit in the 1990s, the uphill struggle to persuade the public to adopt public transport was daunting.

However, with the proliferat­ion of rail-based networks, it is heartening to witness an increasing­ly receptive audience as seen in other cities, such as Singapore, London, Paris and Amsterdam, where rail-based transit is the preferred choice.

The emphasis by the government on rail-based public transport systems has somewhat reduced congestion on urban roads.

Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya do face their fair share of traffic congestion during rush hours on weekdays but which city in the world does not? As road and rail infrastruc­ture are costly, they are never built to cater to peak-hour traffic volume as they would be under utilised during the rest of the day.

The not-so-noticeable reduction in urban road congestion has occurred despite the increase in the number of private vehicles. Be mindful that the Klang Valley boasts of having an affluent population, who can afford to own more than one vehicle per family. My guess is that the average family has three vehicles.

The advantages of rail-based systems are manifold, encompassi­ng aspects that enhance daily life while contributi­ng to environmen­tal preservati­on.

The reliabilit­y factor is also paramount – come rain or shine, amid road congestion or other circumstan­ces, rail transport remains steadfast in delivering passengers punctually. On the contrary, roads are susceptibl­e to flooding and slower traffic caused by partial road closures and accidents.

Furthermor­e, the intricate network of

MRT and LRT lines intertwini­ng Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and select parts of Selangor promotes unparallel­ed connectivi­ty and accessibil­ity.

The convenienc­e, cleanlines­s and safety of rail systems fortify their status as the optimal choice.

From an ecological standpoint, the advantages are indisputab­le. Rail travel emerges as an environmen­tally conscious alternativ­e, significan­tly reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared with private vehicles.

The economic aspect is worth highlighti­ng, with affordable fares, especially for lower-income workers, students and seniors, spurring the shift away from private vehicles.

The MRT and LRT also promote tourism by offering cost-effective and seamless transporta­tion for visitors.

In holistic terms, the cumulative benefits far outweigh the substantia­l investment­s necessary for building railbased infrastruc­ture systems.

While private cars and ride-hailing services offer unparallel­ed comfort, their convenienc­e comes at a hefty cost.

 ?? SYAFIQ/THESUN AMIRUL ?? The intricate network of MRT and LRT lines intertwini­ng Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and select parts of Selangor promotes unparallel­ed connectivi­ty and accessibil­ity. –
SYAFIQ/THESUN AMIRUL The intricate network of MRT and LRT lines intertwini­ng Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and select parts of Selangor promotes unparallel­ed connectivi­ty and accessibil­ity. –

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