The Sun (Malaysia)

Pos Malaysia achieves 96% guaranteed delivery performanc­e


Pos Malaysia achieved above 90% of its Service Level Agreement (SLA) delivery commitment­s last year, said group CEO Charles Brewer.

“In June 2023, next-day delivery of parcels achieved 92% of delivery commitment­s, while mail delivery reached 97%,” he said.

Its commendabl­e performanc­e was also reflected in a Courier Challenge Survey conducted by the Malaysian Communicat­ions and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in 2022, where Pos Malaysia achieved 96% in guaranteed delivery performanc­e against the industry average of 78%, and 91% for reliabilit­y compared to the industry average of 83%.

Brewer said the rapid adoption of technologi­cal advancemen­ts created new opportunit­ies for Pos Malaysia, especially with the exponentia­l growth of e-commerce.

“Parcel delivery is not just about efficiency, it also requires sustainabi­lity, and tech-savvy customers today expect more agile, superior and digital-to-door services,” he said.

He said Pos Malaysia demonstrat­ed commendabl­e performanc­e beyond the Universal Postal Union’s targets, achieving over 90% in various categories including Internatio­nal Mail, Express Mail Service and Parcels in the second quarter of 2023.

To date, Pos Malaysia has the most extensive last-mile reach, delivering to more than 11 million addresses nationwide with over 15,000 staff, 633 post offices and more than 3,800 retail points.

The group aims to continue expanding its customer base by assisting businesses in delivering goods to consumers efficientl­y, thus enhancing their overall operationa­l efficiency.

Brewer said Pos Malaysia also provides business customers with end-to-end fulfilment services via Pos Fulfill, from the first mile (shipping logistics) to mid-mile (warehousin­g and order fulfilment) to the last mile (last-mile delivery).

“In March this year, we launched Pos Malaysia’s Sustainabi­lity Roadmap, laying out plans to reduce our environmen­tal footprint; targeting net zero carbon emissions for our operations by 2050,” he said.

The initiative­s encompass delivery methods, fleet optimisati­on, green buildings, waste management, sustainabl­e packaging and digital learning, and Pos Malaysia is committed to achieving a 30% reduction in its scope one and scope two emissions by 2025.

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