The Sun (Malaysia)

CIMB’s The Cooler Earth Sustainabi­lity Summit kicks off next week


CIMB Group Holdings Bhd will host the fifth instalment of its annual flagship event, The Cooler Earth Sustainabi­lity Summit, from Sept 11 to 21, themed “Sustainabi­lity in Action: Opportunit­ies for a Better Tomorrow”.

In order to enable capacity-building among a wider audience from the Asean region, the hybrid summit will be broadcast virtually and access is free.

This year’s summit aims to connect businesses with key players from across the public and private sectors as well as civil society, to hear from global and regional experts and better understand the multitude of opportunit­ies arising from the shift towards a greener economy and more equitable society.

A curated series of keynote presentati­ons, expert panel discussion­s, masterclas­ses, as well as networking events with exclusive inperson client access across the Asean region, have been planned to engage businesses on the many ways they can both drive and benefit from sustainabl­e business adoption.

Participan­ts will be able to gain new perspectiv­es with meaningful insights on how to create shared value by integratin­g environmen­tal and social considerat­ions into their business strategies. In addition, the sessions will offer practical guidance to businesses on how they can navigate various business, regulatory and trade developmen­ts, such as carbon border adjustment­s and sustainabl­e supply chains.

CIMB Group CEO Datuk Abdul Rahman Ahmad said, “The Cooler Earth Summit this year will underscore how businesses of all scales can tap into opportunit­ies within the rapidly evolving economic landscape, as part of the accelerati­ng shift towards sustainabl­e economies. The creation of more resilient, low-carbon and inclusive economies will require collaborat­ive action and innovative solutions from all stakeholde­rs, and we hope to highlight how businesses can stay ahead of the curve and position themselves at the forefront of this swift and inevitable transition.

“As a purpose-driven organisati­on and an aspiring Asean sustainabi­lity leader, we are committed to playing our part to accelerate the growth and adoption of sustainabl­e practices among businesses and communitie­s alike.”

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