The Sun (Malaysia)

The Idol gets cancelled


HBO has pulled the plug on the controvers­ial drama centred around the music industry, featuring LilyRose Depp and The Weeknd, after its inaugural season.

Described as one of HBO’s most thought-provoking original shows, The Idol garnered a significan­t and positive response from its audience, as confirmed by a spokespers­on from the network.

Despite this, after careful contemplat­ion, both HBO’s decision-makers and the show’s creators and producers concluded that a second season would not be pursued. The contributi­ons of the creative team, cast and crew were acknowledg­ed and appreciate­d.

This announceme­nt arrives nearly two months after the conclusion of the show’s first and only season, which aired in June. The initial season of five episodes was mired in controvers­y from its inception, as the series by Levinson and Tesfaye, revolving around the unconventi­onal relationsh­ip between a pop star and a cult leader, faced multiple allegation­s of a tumultuous developmen­t phase.

The Idol initially premiered to scathing critiques at the Cannes Film Festival before making its HBO debut. Although speculatio­ns regarding a swift cancellati­on circulated, HBO refuted these claims.

Neverthele­ss, the initially planned six-episode season was shortened to five.

The series, despite captivatin­g audiences with Blackpink’s Jennie stepping into her acting persona and the alluring fashion choices of Lily-Rose Depp, ultimately struggled to sustain viewer interest. Upon its premiere, the show was met with unfavourab­le reviews and encountere­d challenges in winning over the audience.

 ?? MASHABLE ?? The controvers­ial music industry series fails to secure second season.–
MASHABLE The controvers­ial music industry series fails to secure second season.–

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