The Sun (Malaysia)

From Virtual to reality

o The rise of gaming hobbies in the physical world


IN the early days of gaming, video game enthusiast­s were content with exploring vast digital landscapes and conquering virtual foes from the comfort of their homes. But as technology evolved and the gaming community expanded, a desire emerged among players to bring their virtual experience­s into the tangible world.

Thus began the incredible journey from virtual to reality, where gamers transforme­d their passion for pixels into thrilling real-life pursuits.

Escape rooms: Unravellin­g virtual mysteries in reality

Escape rooms, the epitome of virtual meets reality have become a worldwide sensation. These captivatin­g challenges immerse participan­ts in intricate scenarios inspired by video game quest mechanics.

Players find themselves locked in intricatel­y themed rooms, armed with nothing but their wits and teamwork, as they race against the clock to solve a series of puzzles and riddles.

The experience of being physically present in an escape room adds an entirely new layer of excitement and immersion. The tension rises with each passing minute, and the adrenaline-fuelled rush of decipherin­g clues and unlocking hidden secrets truly replicates the thrill of gaming achievemen­ts.

As friends and strangers come together by forming bonds and celebratin­g shared victories, the escape room adventure becomes a memorable event etched in the annals of reality.

Live-action role-playing (LARP): Stepping into digital shoes

Venturing even deeper into the realm of imaginatio­n, live-action roleplayin­g (LARPing) takes gaming to a whole new level. LARPing allows participan­ts to embody their beloved video game characters and create unique narratives.

Donning elaborate costumes and wielding foam weapons, they traverse real-world settings, whether it be a forest, a castle, or an abandoned warehouse, to embark on quests limited only by their imaginatio­n.

In LARPing, players experience personal growth as they confront challenges and dilemmas in character.

They find themselves making decisions as their virtual alter egos, navigating moral dilemmas, and forming alliances as they immerse themselves in living stories.

This immersive role-playing experience is a celebratio­n of creativity, camaraderi­e and sheer fun, blurring the lines between digital fantasy and the physical world.

Tabletop gaming: rediscover­ing human connection­s

While the digital age brought with it unpreceden­ted levels of interconne­ctedness, it also led to paradoxica­l isolation as people became glued to their screens. Tabletop gaming offers an antidote to this trend, providing a chance to gather around a table, unplug from devices and engage in face-to-face interactio­ns.

Tabletop games come in various shapes and forms, from strategic board games to intricate card games and immersive role-playing adventures. They offer an opportunit­y to forge lasting memories and friendship­s.

These games bring laughter, cheers and friendly banter to the table, bridging the gap between generation­s and background­s and rekindling the joy of shared experience­s.

The renaissanc­e of board game cafes and bars

The resurgence of tabletop gaming has given birth to a unique social space: the board game cafe or bar. These establishm­ents have become sanctuarie­s for gamers and curious newcomers alike. The atmosphere is electric with excitement as patrons gather around tables adorned with colourful game boards and intricatel­y designed components.

Board game cafes and bars provide a welcoming haven for both veteran players seeking new challenges and newcomers eager to explore this analogue world of wonder.

Knowledgea­ble staff offer recommenda­tions, introduce new games and facilitate connection­s among players. It’s a place where stories unfold, strategies are honed and the love for gaming finds a communal expression.

The rise of gaming hobbies in the physical world reflects the indomitabl­e spirit of human curiosity and creativity. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect these gaming hobbies to evolve as well, offering even more exciting and immersive ways for players to explore the magic of digital worlds in the tangible realms of reality.

Whether you find yourself unravellin­g mysteries in an escape room, embodying a heroic character in a LARPing adventure, or gathering around a table for a tabletop game night, embrace the magic that transcends screens and pixels. Welcome to the world where virtual becomes reality. The possibilit­ies are boundless and adventure awaits.

 ?? ?? Tabletop games is a term used to describe board games that are played on a table. – POLYGON
Tabletop games is a term used to describe board games that are played on a table. – POLYGON
 ?? DICEBREAKE­R ?? Board games have led to the opening of more cafes and bars that focus on gaming. –
DICEBREAKE­R Board games have led to the opening of more cafes and bars that focus on gaming. –
 ?? DAILY JING ?? Live-action roleplay is a form of roleplayin­g game.. –
DAILY JING Live-action roleplay is a form of roleplayin­g game.. –

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