The Sun (Malaysia)

Play role to shape nation’s future, youths told


As heirs of the nation, the younger generation plays a crucial role in highlighti­ng mature politics that could indirectly help shape the country towards a better future.

Since youths aged 18 can now vote in elections, it is crucial that they have peer guidance to help them properly evaluate and disseminat­e the vast amount of political related informatio­n, particular­ly in cyberspace.

Malaysian Youth Council president Mohd Izzat Afifi Abdul Hamid said it is the responsibi­lity of youths to rectify any inaccurate informatio­n and facts in order to increase the community’s access to reliable informatio­n.

He said young people, who are the most active users of social media, should be the first to check and verify all news and informatio­n.

“Young people and youths should be the ones who mobilise the cultural renewal agenda and noble attitude.

“The council hopes that today’s young people will have more positive attitudes and good values to ensure a better future for the country,” he said yesterday.

He was responding to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s call for youths in the country to play a role in helping the government deflect accusation­s from certain parties in today’s political and economic landscape.

Meanwhile, Universiti Putra Malaysia Youth Developmen­t lecturer Assoc Prof Dr Mohd Mursyid Arshad said by sharing their knowledge, values and commitment, youths can contribute to the betterment of the nation’s future.

“Youths, as the next generation, will be in charge of developing the nation by putting in new ideas and making suggestion­s to the government through the right channels.

“They must also put emphasis on innovation and continue to contribute their energy and expertise to the country,” he said.

He added that in the context of youth developmen­t, the government could translate the involvemen­t of youths in the national developmen­t agenda through their participat­ion in various sectors, including education and the economy. – Bernama

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