The Sun (Malaysia)

Bubbles 02 targets domestic sales of at least RM10m in 2024


KUALA LUMPUR: Bubbles O2 Sdn Bhd, the manufactur­er of Bubbles O2 – a highly oxygenated natural mineral water product in Malaysia – is aiming to achieve sales of at least RM10 million in the domestic market in 2024.

It will also explore the Asean and North American markets next year.

Managing director Ain Azizah Arifin said Bubbles O2 expects product sales overseas – consisting of existing markets in Brunei and Dubai, as well as new ones – namely Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore – to contribute 3-5% to the company’s revenue in 2024.

“We have been exporting to Brunei since last year and Dubai earlier this year. For the North American market, we already have several partners there, as well as South America and Canada.

“The company has obtained US Food and Drug Administra­tion (FDA) registrati­on for the export of Bubbles O2 to the North American market. We expect to be in the market in January next year,” she told Bernama yesterday.

Ain Azizah said the company aims to increase the contributi­on from the export segment to 25% within five years.

For 2023, Bubbles O2 has recorded an annual sales increase of 50% in the domestic market so far.

Ain Azizah said the product has a great opportunit­y to expand in the Asean region due to the possession of a halal certificat­e and the high quality naturally oxygenated mineral water.

At the same time, Bubbles O2 plans to release flavoured mineral water products in the local market next year.

Bubbles O2 products for the domestic market can be found at convenienc­e stores such as 7-Eleven, Aeon Big, Eraman, KPJ HealthShop­pe and Emart24, PLUS highway stops including petrol stations at Petronas Mesra and Caltex XpressPoin­t.

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