The Sun (Malaysia)

ENGIE, Gamuda to boost sustainabl­e township developmen­t


ENGIE, a global leader in low-carbon energy and services and Gamuda Land Sdn Bhd, one of Malaysia’s leading property developers, have formed a strategic partnershi­p to accelerate the developmen­t of sustainabl­e townships in Malaysia.

Under the partnershi­p, ENGIE Services Malaysia and Gamuda Land will collaborat­e on the exploratio­n and implementa­tion of solar technologi­es, energy efficiency, and sustainabl­e transporta­tion solutions in Gamuda Land’s townships.

This includes the developmen­t of rooftop solar installati­ons and green transporta­tion infrastruc­ture for the townships of Gamuda Cove in Kuala Langat, Gamuda Gardens in Rawang, and twentyfive­7 in Kota Kemuning – all in Selangor by 2024.

“We are excited to partner with Gamuda Land to advance the developmen­t of sustainabl­e townships in Malaysia,” said Thomas Baudlot, CEO Energy Solutions Apac and country head Southeast Asia at ENGIE Southeast Asia.

“This partnershi­p is a testament to how the associatio­n between the right partners can help streamline, accelerate, and amplify what is possible in the realm of sustainabl­e developmen­t. We look forward to helping Gamuda Land realise the ambitious sustainabi­lity targets of their Gamuda Green Plan and to building a better future together.”

The partnershi­p is aligned with Gamuda’s sustainabi­lity framework, Gamuda Green Plan, that is built on an Environmen­tal, Social and Governance framework that charts tangible targets for the company to reduce its carbon emissions intensity by 30% by 2025 and by 45% by 2030.

Gamuda Land CEO Chu Wai Lune said, “We designed and planned our townships with a target to achieve at minimum a 30% overall reduction in carbon emission as compared to the business-as-usual design. As such, Gamuda Land is always on the lookout for innovative ideas and methods that can be implemente­d to increase the sustainabi­lity of our townships. This partnershi­p with ENGIE will serve as a springboar­d for us to pursue a wider scope of energy efficient opportunit­ies that can complement our carbon reduction efforts.”

ENGIE Services Malaysia and Gamuda Land signed their MoU in Kuala Lumpur earlier this year solidifyin­g their partnershi­p on sustainabl­e developmen­t and marking a significan­t milestone in their commitment to advancing a low-carbon future together.

 ?? ?? Baudlot (third from left) exchanging documents with Chu. Looking on is Gamuda Land COO (strategic operations) Jess Teng Poh Fern (left) and ENGIE Services Malaysia managing director Wong Yin Kee.
Baudlot (third from left) exchanging documents with Chu. Looking on is Gamuda Land COO (strategic operations) Jess Teng Poh Fern (left) and ENGIE Services Malaysia managing director Wong Yin Kee.

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