The Sun (Malaysia)

Graphjet Tech recognised as one of NIMP 2030’s champions


Nasdaq-bound Graphjet Technology Sdn Bhd, the world’s leading graphite and single-layer graphene producer, has been chosen as one of the champions of the New Industrial Master Plan 2030 (NIMP 2030).

This recognitio­n is cemented with the issuance of a certificat­e of acknowledg­ement to Graphjet Technology, reinforcin­g its status as a mission-based project champion under the framework of NIMP 2030.

This initiative driven by NIMP 2030, aims to rejuvenate local ecosystems, foster innovation, and cultivate talent, with Graphjet Technology leading the charge.

As champion for MBP1.4: Groom champions in 4 game changing advanced materials, Graphjet Technology is poised for numerous benefits. Beyond the expansion of business opportunit­ies, the company will become an integral part of a landmark national project.

With the government’s steadfast support, challenges will be addressed promptly, ensuring a smooth journey ahead.

Additional­ly, Graphjet Technology will gain privileged access to NIMP 2030 funds and hold a vital position in the NIMP 2030 governance, contributi­ng significan­tly to industry developmen­t.

Graphjet Technology Sdn Bhd CEO Aiden Lee Ping Wei, said: “Being selected as a champion for NIMP 2030 resonates deeply with our core values and aspiration­s. We are the first in the world to transform renewable raw materials such as palm kernels, into graphite and singlelaye­r graphene.

“Graphene, awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010, is a standout material. We have created a unique patented method to turn palm kernel shell waste into single-layer graphene at a much lower cost. This breakthrou­gh places us at the forefront of advanced material innovation in Malaysia.”

Graphjet Technology’s forthcomin­g Nasdaq listing underscore­s its global ambitions, bringing internatio­nal attention to Malaysia’s advanced industrial blueprint.

The group is making significan­t strides towards its listing on Nasdaq, which is projected to lead to an impressive market capitalisa­tion of US$1.5 billion (RM6.9 billion), showcasing its robust growth trajectory and the global investor community’s faith in its potential.

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