The Sun (Malaysia)

Captivatin­g untold stories


MILEY Cyrus is embarking on a new journey of self-reflection. The multitalen­ted 30-year-old actress and singer announced on Instagram that she’s launching a TikTok series where she’ll delve into her life’s untold stories.

This introspect­ive series is inspired by her latest single, Used to Be Young.

Cyrus intends to rewind the clock to 1992 and begin her story from the very beginning, encompassi­ng the three decades of her life. She promises fresh insights into some of her most memorable moments, aiming to shed light on the Miley that existed before the advent of Hannah Montana.

In her Instagram post, she shared her aspiration to “light up the world with laughter, music and iconic moments that last beyond my lifetime,” acknowledg­ing that this journey is made possible by her devoted fans.

In a TikTok video as part of the series, Cyrus opened up about her relationsh­ip with her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, who topped the country charts in 1992, the year she was born. She contrasted her upbringing on a sound stage with financial and emotional stability against her father’s different experience­s.

Miley emotionall­y shared, “Him feeling loved by a big audience impacted him emotionall­y more than it ever could me. When he feels special or important, it’s like healing a childhood wound, and I’ve always been made to feel like a star.”

Cyrus also revealed more personal reflection­s in her new Hulu special, Endless Summer Vacation: Continued (Backyard Sessions), which premiered recently. One topic she addressed was her public feud with Sinead O’Connor, stemming from O’Connor’s concern over Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball music video in 2013.

In the Hulu special, Cyrus expressed regret for not understand­ing the extent of O’Connor’s fragile mental state at the time and recognised her own youth and inexperien­ce in handling such situations.

Cyrus acknowledg­ed that Wrecking Ball was a controvers­ial endeavor but asserted that it was her choice, one influenced by men in power. She expressed disappoint­ment in other women who criticised her, especially those who had been in similar positions in the industry.

The special ended with Cyrus paying tribute to O’Connor, highlighti­ng her respect for the late singer, and dedicating a rendition of her song Wonder Woman to her.

Endless Summer Vacation: Continued (Backyard Sessions) is available for streaming on Hulu, giving fans a deeper look into Cyrus’ journey and her growth over the years.

 ?? PITCHFORK ?? Cyrus reveals intimate life stories in new TikTok series. –
PITCHFORK Cyrus reveals intimate life stories in new TikTok series. –

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