The Sun (Malaysia)

Commemorat­ing Merdeka through art


celebrated the 66th Independen­ce Day on Aug 31 and in the coming weeks, we will be celebratin­g another occasion: Malaysia Day on Sept 16. In conjunctio­n with the celebratio­ns, an art exhibition aptly themed “Tanah Airku Merdeka” is being held at Menara KPJ, Jalan Tun Razak, from Aug 21 to Sept 20.

A total of 50 pieces of artwork are being exhibited with special themes on National Day and Malaysia Day. Some of the selected artworks are available for purchase, with prices ranging from RM20 to RM65,000.

The most expensive one, priced at RM65,000 and titled Gemilang: Freedom of Purpose, shows a Malaysian flag flying high in the wind.

The magnificen­t creation is a mixed media art piece on a 129 cm by 142 cm canvas, and it was made by local artist Rull Mackenzie from Klang in 2019. The artwork was the centre of attention at the exhibition for its sheer size and beauty.

According to the artist Rull, he picked the flag to show his “semangat Malaysia” (spirit of Malaysia), and he used his creativity to showcase the waving and billowing movements of the flag in the air, using real fabric for the texture.

“My respect for our flag made me create this painting. It’s the ‘semangat,’” explained Rull.

Another artist, Lina Ali, an entreprene­ur turned artist, made an oil painting showcasing harmony between different races in the country.

In the painting, a Sabahan holds a wau, a traditiona­l kite in Kelantan, while a Malay woman is playing the Indian musical instrument tabla.

“It’s to showcase that we are one nation and that we are together as one. We understand each other’s culture, music and traditions,” said Lina, who was present at the event.

The event was launched by Professor Madya Datuk Paduka and Dr Mohd Rosli Salahudin.

The exhibition was organised by Art Market Malaysia, a platform that sells art made by emerging local and differentl­y-abled artists. It’s a programme under the NGOs Kelab Belia Perkasa and Prihatin.

 ?? ?? Rull with his magnificen­t artwork of Jalur Gemilang – PICS BY SYAZWAN KAMAL
Rull with his magnificen­t artwork of Jalur Gemilang – PICS BY SYAZWAN KAMAL
 ?? ?? Lina Ali with her paintings.
Lina Ali with her paintings.

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