Corporate DispatchPro

MEPS demand stronger protection of cultural diversity


In a resolution adopted with 524 votes in favour, 67 against and 103 abstention­s, Parliament insisted that national and linguistic minorities in the EU are facing assimilati­on and are losing their languages, resulting in linguistic and cultural impoverish­ment.

. Parliament calls on the Commission to propose legal acts to address the issue, expressing its support for the European Citizens’ Initiative ‘Minority Safepack – one million signatures for diversity in Europe’.

Acknowledg­ing that member states are responsibl­e for protecting minorities’ rights, MEPS asked for a common f ramework of minimum EU standards. They add that regional languages must be promoted, linguistic rights protected where more than one official language is in use, and language communitie­s defended in accordance with fundamenta­l rights.

The European Parliament added that positive action is needed in education, culture and public services, and to address the threat of extinction for some minority languages.

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