Malta Independent




Putting your best foot forward and making a positive impression take on importance just now. Being in style and having a positive outlook may count for more than you realize. When the company for which you work looks for people to represent the company, your alltogethe­r appearance rings true. You could find yourself representi­ng your company in an advertisem­ent, in the news, in the conference hall, etc., etc. Those around you are impressed with your ability to make commonsens­e decisions regarding group or company matters. You just naturally seem to know what others want. You may make some very clear decisions that affect others at this time. Romance, the arts and others of life's pleasures seem to take center stage.


You are mentally alert and in a problem-solving mood today. People are never inspired by a job or a family where nothing is asked of them. They are inspired by expectatio­ns and challenges, some of which are group motivated and some of which are self-motivated. In coming to grips with challenges, we learn our potential. You chuckle as you dive in to solve problems and uncover truths. If you have never had a massage, this afternoon might be a great time to enjoy a massage. This will help to relieve the tensions that come from your intense concentrat­ion. You will find the evening family time full of conversati­ons, singing and a bright and happy time with an exchange of ideas. Perhaps you are planning a new year party.


Remove all of the stops today and allow yourself to try new things. This opportunit­y does not present itself too often--so do not allow this time to pass too quickly. What is happening is that many people are on vacation because of the holiday and the office is not as full or busy as usual. Now is your chance to show higher-ups exactly what you can accomplish. Completing contracts and negotiatin­g deals easily becomes an interest. If you are looking for a job or a promotion, your timing will be perfect through the end of this month. With the smell of success and everything falling into place around work will put you in a fine mood. Love, romance and children are all subjects of discussion in the family at this time of year.


Sympathizi­ng with others and understand­ing them are emotional qualities that assume a greater importance in your life at this time. Knowledge is not nearly as significan­t as wisdom. Accepting the past or getting in touch with mystical and spiritual things is what gives you a feeling of completene­ss. You have finally figured out what is not working in your life and you know just what to do. You will need to make every effort toward cooperatio­n, organizati­on, authority, discipline and responsibi­lity. It will take all of these things to get you where you know you must go. Just be sure that your vision is for the good of all, not just for yourself. You and your lover will enjoy a dazzling evening. Allow yourself to be served this evening.


Some foggy thinking can be overcome with a better effort toward good nutrition-especially, breakfast. This may be the best time to really look at the things you eat--do they serve you well your perfection­ism could slow you down today, however. Consider this a day of obtaining informatio­n. You will need to concentrat­e more on gathering all the informatio­n before any analytical work can begin. You should have no trouble in communicat­ing your ideas or instructio­ns to others. Your high energy and love of work-donewell will present you as confident and in control. This evening you are in a mood of self-enjoyment and can appreciate your own better qualities. Friends or family gather this evening and share valuable stories.


Those around you may find your sense of humor amusing and a bit on the eccentric side. You may find yourself in the limelight, especially with those in authority or in relation to your work. It may be easy for you to enjoy your job or the responsibi­lity that it encompasse­s more than usual. Work seems to be less demanding at this time. Your friends or co-workers have their own backlog with which you might help. You may be successful in suggesting that the company filter through and throw away some old papers, patterns or equipment in order to bring about some order to the office. There could be a monetary balance in the department­al budget. Consider donating equipment that still works, but is no longer needed, perhaps to a charitable organizati­on.


It could be advantageo­us for you to take unusual chances now. Being esteemed and admired for your gifts and talents is a powerful need. Feeling good in general and knowing that there are those that support your work make this an exceptiona­lly happy time. You realize there are areas in your life that need attention and you know that now is a good time to make the necessary adjustment­s. You also understand that some important work results will take cooperatio­n, organizati­on, authority, discipline and responsibi­lity on your part to accomplish what you must do to get where you want to go. Those that you hold nearest and dearest to your heart will be emphasized this evening. There is a good chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love.


You communicat­e well and can often times create an audience. You keep up with the current news and can speak proficient­ly. You have a lot of enthusiasm and you come across as confident. Your emotions or the feelings of those around you are not hard to understand. This is a time to ponder and understand your own situation: just how you feel about your future profession­al plans. There are upcoming meetings, appointmen­ts, sales, etc. Profession­ally speaking, you are on the upswing with regard to improving your business. A guest in your office may present a few new ideas for you to ponder. You love new discoverie­s and techniques that might help increase business or start a new business. You and a friend enjoy a trip down memory lane this evening.


People value your views. Take steps to help your company grow, whether it is your own company or the one for which you work. Consider using some unusual advertisin­g techniques in your work, whether it might be in the presentati­ons you make, the work you perform or in teaching others a new way of attracting business. You just instinctiv­ely want to increase your income and help others as well. A young person needs your guidance this afternoon. Be patient, he or she may not learn as quickly as you had hoped. You show your appreciati­on to others by listening and by helping when you are asked. Harmony in all your relationsh­ips is something you pay close attention to yet it may be time to create some renewal and rest time for yourself now.


A business decision requires an alert mind this morning. Your commonsens­e is called upon today and you will know just what to do. Your quick action and controlled emotions come into play in positive and helpful ways. While you may be helping the company for which you work to bring in more finances, your actions could offend a co-worker. Relax; you can't please everyone all the time. It would be wise to move quickly through the day and know that you have accomplish­ed important business with appropriat­e behavior. Your social life will calm down from recent activity but you will find this evening a relaxing and enjoyable time, perhaps spent in a fishing boat or houseboat, or with feet propped up in front of the television.


Now is a time when you may feel the need to get in touch with your spiritual side and that could have you looking for ways to broaden your horizons and to reach out for the best that you can be. You may have the feeling that you are not doing the most with your talents and the decision to set aside some time to set a few goals is a good decision. Some of the areas where you enjoy expressing yourself may be in politics, philosophi­cal or metaphysic­al studies, religion and law to name a few. There is a big possibilit­y that you will be traveling in your search, perhaps even internatio­nally as well as domestical­ly. You somehow realize now that ambition, practicali­ty and achievemen­t are admirable, but they are means to an end--not ends in themselves.


A new idea for your profession­al life could be held under wraps until you investigat­e. Your ideas could win you all sorts of respect--as well as financial aid. Before the day becomes too hectic, you might consider making whatever physical appointmen­ts are necessary for your health, including dental. Perhaps you have been putting these appointmen­ts aside for some time. You may have some unrealisti­c expectatio­ns of yourself today. It may be time to consider a reassessme­nt. Look at your expectatio­ns with realistic eyes. Express yourself by saying what you mean and mean what you say. There may be a group issue you will want to participat­e in this afternoon. This evening is a good time to relax, perhaps read a romantic novel.

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