Malta Independent

Ornis’ decision to recommend opening of spring hunting season ‘an indecent proposal’

- John Cordina

The Ornis Committee’s decision to recommend opening a spring hunting season this year, despite an upcoming referendum on the issue, is an indecent decision, the Spring Hunting Out (SHout) campaign argued yesterday.

Members of the SHout campaign held a press conference outside Hexagon House – which houses Mepa’s Environmen­t Protection Directorat­e and which was the venue of the Ornis Committee meeting – and nailed a symbolic “notificati­on of indecent proposal” to the building’s entrance.

This “proposal”, mirroring Mepa’s own developmen­t notificati­ons, was ostensibly filed by FKNK CEO Lino Farrugia, and calls, “for the introducti­on of spring hunting in spite of the scientific evidence that bans spring hunting in Malta and a referendum to be held on 11 April, 2015.”

Addressing the press, SHout spokesman Saviour Balzan said that Ornis’ decision was indecent for two reasons.

He said that the committee was sending a wrong message by forging ahead with the recommenda­tion in contempt of an ongoing democratic process, stating that it was doing so as a result of pressure by hunters. The FKNK, as well as BirdLife Malta, are represente­d in the committee, with a government-appointed chairman and a Mepa representa­tive holding the balance of power.

But Mr Balzan also insisted that the decision was also indecent since it went against exhaustive scientific evidence that proved that alternativ­es to spring hunting existed and that there should be no hunting at a time when many species of birds are on their way to breed.

Fellow SHout campaigner Moira Delia also condemned the Ornis Committee as undemocrat­ic, stating that the committee was apparently assuming that the public’s decision would be in favour of spring hunting.

She appealed for people to vote ‘No’ to spring hunting on 11 April, pointing out that over 40,000 people have signed a petition to be able to do so.

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