Malta Independent

France warns climate change threatens security

- Sylvie Corbet and Angela Charlton

Climate change is a threat to internatio­nal security, France’s influentia­l Environmen­t Minister Segolene Royal warned— adopting an unusually hawkish stance as she heads to the US to push for a global deal on reducing emissions at a landmark Paris conference this year.

She will have to push especially hard in Washington, but she relishes the challenge. Royal, longtime former partner of President Francois Hollande and one of France’s most experience­d female politician­s, is playing a key role ahead of UN climate talks in Paris in December.

Amid skepticism in the Republican-led US Congress about the science of climate change and resistance to a legally binding treaty, President Barack Obama also recently argued that rising sea levels and resource shortages could threaten the readiness of US forces and aggravate instabilit­y around the globe.

“If everyone realizes ... that the cost of inaction is much higher than the cost of action, then I think we can convince some members of Congress who are still reticent,” Royal told The Associated Press in an interview in Paris on Saturday.

She said Obama was “right” to use the national security argument, one rarely in heard in Europe, where people largely accept humanity’s responsibi­lity for global warming.

“The climate question is also at the heart of the security question,” Royal said, noting in particular the growing number of refugees fleeing climatic disasters and chronic shortages.

While France is pushing for a legally binding deal, Royal suggested openness to a backup plan that could involve regulatory measures not subject to full Congressio­nal ratificati­on.

One key moment in the buildup to the Paris conference comes next week: U.N. negotiatio­ns in Bonn, Germany, seen as a test of how close or far countries are from a deal.

Royal stressed the need to speed up and to reduce the size of the draft document — currently around 80 pages, to include the wishes of as many countries as possible. France is hoping for a final document closer to 20 pages that focuses on areas of agreement.

She also argued that it’s urgent to reduce the “abyss” between poor countries suffering from the effects of global warming and richer countries that are causing them.

That gap has led to failure in past climate talks, notably in Copenhagen in 2009.

Negotiator­s are trying to learn from past mistakes to improve chances for an agreement in Paris, which would mark the first time all countries agree to do something to limit emissions of global warming gases, primarily carbon dioxide, from the burning of coal, oil and gas.

Climate changes in recent decades have led to flooding of coastal areas, disruption­s to agricultur­e and drinking water and the spread of diseases.

Royal and France are trying to get companies aboard a climate deal, arguing that it makes longterm economic sense to reduce emissions. This has caused protest from NGOs who say it’s hypocritic­al to seek sponsorshi­p from oil and constructi­on companies whose profit model depends on emissions.

“We must put everyone in the game,” Royal said. She argued that government­s must “prepare the post-petroleum era, and have the will and courage to say it.”

Royal heads Thursday for the United States where she will meet Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz as well as Senators Ed Markey, Barbara Boxer, Sheldon Whitehouse and Brian Schatz.

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