Malta Independent

Setting the record straight

- Shiv Shankaran Nair

I am writing to request you to publish this letter as my right of reply to an article penned by Claudette Buttigieg MP on 13 November, 2015 in your paper. Regrettabl­y and shamefully, Mrs Buttigieg completely ignored two emails which I sent to her on the 18 November and the 8 December, requesting her to retract false and libellous statements made in her article. This is the reason why I now write to you.

In her article Mrs Buttigieg claims that I am in some way connected with a Alan Comerford, apparently an advisor to Minister Konrad Mizzi, and I believe, that possibly being the only “Indian” businessma­n she knows, I must be connected with Ram Tumuluri, (apparently another Indian) whose company was awarded the hospitals privatizat­ion contract. How she arrived at this conclusion is perhaps best left to her convoluted thinking but in her rush to throw mud in the hope that some will stick, she tripped up on some fundamenta­ls. Why let facts get in the way of a good story?

To set the record straight, I have never met or had any business dealings with either Alan Comerford or Ram Tumuluri. I do not know either of them.

To add insult to injury and perhaps momentaril­y forgetting that she is writing a current affairs opinion in a respectabl­e broadsheet, Mrs Buttigieg goes on to make another irresponsi­bly false claim in my regard – that I may have been involved in the sale of a share in Enemalta to the Chinese.

I categorica­lly refute this allegation and declare that I was not involved in any way, shape or form in this transactio­n or in any negotiatio­ns leading to it.

I would have thought that a Member of Parliament would at least bother checking her facts before putting pen to paper, and more importantl­y, having been informed that she had got her facts wrong, would have had the decency to retract her false statements immediatel­y.

The political party Mrs Buttigieg belongs to and represents, laudably trumpets the need for high standards of ethics and good governance in the running of the country. Respect for the truth and for every person’s right not to be unfairly tarnished in public are surely both values by which proper ethical behaviour from Malta’s political class can be measured. Through her libellous claims in my regard and her failure to retract them when requested, Mrs Buttigieg has unfortunat­ely shown that she only pays lip service to the high political standards demanded by her own party and her leader.

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