Malta Independent

Don’t panic!


Our politician­s and the media that they control immediatel­y went into overdrive. The picture painted of horror, inevitable doom and black holes ahead was downright disgusting and shocking. TVM, NET and One were at their absolute best distorting reality with... waffle.

Anyone with a minimal belief in decency would have congratula­ted the British people for their brave decision. It’s their country. They are independen­t and sovereign. They decide what is best for them: it’s their right. Instead, the present EU and our own leadership showed their utter arrogance and total lack of respect for democracy. The unelected EU oligarchy has an ungodly given right to rule over us, after all – unconditio­nally.

Juncker was reported to be openly threatenin­g the Brits before the referendum. He, Tusk and others were at their diplomatic worst. After the result had been confirmed, Juncker told the Brits to “Get out as soon as possible”. I expect nothing better from an unelected president “with issues” who clowns around publicly and comes out with one shocking statement after another, rather than showing proper and balanced leadership. The sooner he goes, the better for us all, I say.

Unadultera­ted pride and ego meant that, in their perceived infallibil­ity, very important lessons were totally missed by the neo-liberal, harmful leadership­s gripping our countries. They refuse to give up on their dream of total domination over the people of Europe. Apparently cut off from reality, they refuse to see that their people are rejecting them in ever-increasing numbers.

So here are some of the lessons missed:

1) The people of the UK have spoken. They have spoken loud, clear and in no uncertain terms. Euroscepti­sm – which the Brussels oligarchy has refused to acknowledg­e for the past 10 years – does exist and has now grown steadily to become a visible, unmistakab­le majority in at least one EU state. And it will carry on growing elsewhere too, regardless of any denials.

2) People are fed up with being led by non-elected bureaucrat­s who want to play (very well-rewarded) musical chairs amongst themselves for ever. What people want is faithful and very serious leaders – not an undemocrat­ic and punitive oligarchy.

3) People are rejecting the EU institutio­n itself, which they do not consider represents them per se but the bankers, the large conglomera­tes and businessme­n, the lobbyists with their very harmful hidden agendas. It has now moved so far away from the dream of the founding fathers that it now represents the very opposite. We, the people, have been speaking to you for decades about this now. You have ignored us all, thinking that by printing more money and taking away more of our sovereign rights you can control us. You can neither control us nor an ideology.

4) And this revolution is not just restricted to the UK. In France, Holland, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Greece and – yes – in Malta as well, people are joining those of us who have been demanding change. Malta is not in a good place and it now needs to review its position and relationsh­ip with the EU – as is our God-given and democratic right. And your immoral refusal to allow this is a very bad mistake on your part, Prime Minister.

5) Despite their stiff and unconvinci­ng statements, our politician­s are clearly panicked and lost. The federalist­s/antireform­ists never actually anticipate­d losing control over the people so quickly; they never even expected the people’s rise against them. The never expected to witness their failed federalist project – a project that has plunged the EU states into more than 12 years of recession and forced huge austerity over its people – crumbling before their eyes, and their knee-jerk, pathetic reactions reveal their total unprepared­ness. Their statements show that they still don’t really care about the people but are determined to carry on ‘business (excuse the pun) as usual’ – determined to stay in power at all costs.

How panicked? I say that all those who wish to lead us are badly panicked.

Firstly and most bizarrely, there does not seem to have been one statement from the PN or the Leader of the Opposition on Brexit before the referendum itself. We all know what an avid EU federalist Simon Busuttil is, having fought so hard to get us in in the first place! We all know the extent to which they all went when Greece dared challenge the EU ‘federalist unity project’ and how many hundreds of millions of our money was thrown away on that emergency. Why then was Busutill not at the forefront before, trying to hold the federal fort this time? Was he so confident that the day had already been won by the Remain camp? And what was his reaction after the referendum? Why did he just fall in line behind Muscat? It was most strange, to tag along behind. So much for the age of ‘new politics’.

Alternatti­va Demokratik­a have perhaps been the wisest of all: remaining pretty silent on the huge federalist defeat and not digging themselves in deeper. Nice one.

But Muscat’s reaction has to be the most alarming and strange – but then again, perhaps not. Firstly, he and some of his colleagues showed, a few weeks ago, that they now believe firmly in the EU federalist oligarchy imposing itself on Malta’s sovereign rights. How ironic to see him, Alfred Sant and Miriam Dalli, who were all in the forefront to ensure that Malta stayed out of the EU, now advising the UK to stay in. Do they not realise how bad it looks when all of them ended up enjoying the very big personal benefits that the EU offers those who ‘fall in line’?

The referendum showed that the pendulum is swinging firmly away from the two federalist groups that the PN & PL are in within the EU – the PPE and the PES respective­ly – the groups from which the EU oligarchy comes, and are now swinging towards those who do not accept the present undemocrat­ic EU. Surely we remember the above characters enthusiast­ically supporting Schultz, Juncker , Barroso, Verheugen, Tusk, von Rompuy – all of whom refuse to reform and who want the federalist dream to continue as “There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties” (Juncker).

This week we heard our PM and his team now turn completely around once again (for the third time) and actually join Alleanza Bidla in stating that “The EU must reform or it will self implode”!

Seriously now, does anyone actually believe that he would have stated publicly that “the EU needs to reform” had the Remain camp carried the day in the UK referendum?

How can a Prime Minister be credible when he apparently holds no real direction and just blurts out populist messages, in order to be seen, it would appear, to be saying ‘the right thing at the right time’? He says that he wants reform and yet he will not listen to the people he has now ‘joined’ – at all.

He refuses to let the Maltese people themselves hold a referendum as they are asking. He knows best and will not listen or even let you talk. So much for reform!

I can only conclude that the panic they are now all in has overwhelme­d them completely. But the people are not stupid, they have not taken the bait. So let’s challenge you publicly, Prime Minister:

If you really want EU reform, then show real and clear commitment. Get your MEPS out of the non-reformist PES and get them to join Alleanza Bidla in the reformist EUD or any other reformist group within the EU.

Work with us for real change within the EU, or else demonstrat­e that your bluff has clearly been called and your credibilit­y has sunk even deeper.

The lessons above have no doubt been lost on our political class, but one lesson has surely sunk into the Maltese psyche – one very important lesson from Brexit which will cost the PM most dearly if he also chooses to ignore this one as well. That lesson is that real reform in the EU starts at national level and not in Brussels itself. Like all revolution­s, it starts at the very bottom and works itself upwards. And that is a lot of food for thought.

Real and inevitable change is happening. Be part of it or else sit back and watch the EU selfimplod­e – completely. And that would be no good to anyone.

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