Malta Independent

Fundación Mapfre sponsors interventi­on for children with autism


Fundación Mapfre continues to support Equal Partners Foundation to train a new Early Interventi­on Team for children within the autism spectrum entitled We Act (The Walden- Equal Partners Foundation Autism Challenge Team). The interventi­on by We Act is based on Applied Behaviour Analysis − Verbal Behaviour.

Fundación Mapfre has sponsored the training of psychologi­sts and graduate educators working at EPF to follow the basic and advanced course in ABA-VB which was conducted by Prof. Carlo Ricci and Dottoressa Chiara Maugadda. Mapfre is also sponsoring part of the children’s interventi­on. The staff at Equal Partner’s Foundation will be initially supervised by the Walden institute.

During a workshop held at Mapfre Midddlesea’s head office in Floriana, Prof. Ricci, president of the Walden Institute in Rome, addressed a group of parents and profession­als. Prof. Ricci has published 15 books, 21 chapters, five prefaces, more than 100 articles in Italian and internatio­nal journals. His latest gift to the academic and psycho-educationa­l field is an extensive manual on ABA-VB published by Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson.

He explained that early interventi­on needs to be intensive and within the child’s context (15 hours at school and 15 hours at home per week) and needs to begin as early as possible. He explained that this needs to be implemente­d in the child’s natural environmen­t: home and inclusive school and parents need to be committed to it.

Prof. Ricci’s presentati­on was followed by a discussion with parents of children within the spectrum who asked various questions on the interventi­on itself, the pilot project We Act and on financial issues.

Mapfre Middlesea (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to carry on both long term and general business under the Insurance Business Act, 1998.

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