Malta Independent

Crucifying Malta


Those who, like me, want to live as law-abiding Maltese Christians should not be afraid to come out publicly with such a personal statement. Ignore the backlash for and the venom that will be thrown at you. The barrage and abuse by those who hate our ideology. As per our democratic right, in our majority, we live by our chosen faith.

There is, however, much to worry about at the national level. Those who are leading our country are doing so in a way that goes against our wishes and what we believe in. I think there are politician­s who are actively working against our beliefs. We therefore need to be brave enough to reject them outright once and for all. Most of us have already taken that step and now more need to do so too.

Neo-liberalism and all that it stands for is not compatible with Maltese Christiani­ty. Christiani­ty is inalienabl­y interwoven into the Maltese identity, values and culture. I am proud of our Maltese identity, our values and our culture – and our faith. That which has been passed down to me, I now wish to pass on to the next generation­s. It is the best that I have been given in life and so the best that I can leave behind as my inheritanc­e. Christiani­ty is largely based on faith and on love – even towards your enemy! It is clearly based on a culture of living love and on loving life itself.

How can an ideology that has served us and so many other countries so well, has been followed by trillions of people through two millennia, actually be as wrong as we are continuall­y being told it is? The Maltese political left and right have championed Christiani­ty in the past, as is evident in their history and repeatedly in their past electoral manifestoe­s. I see neo-liberalism as very poor logically, scientific­ally, medically, politicall­y, ideologica­lly and so on. It is full of loopholes and backed with clear misinforma­tion. It is something I just cannot believe in; it is fake, it is a very harmful ideology that I feel undermines what my society is built upon.

The agenda, new to our shores, has proved to be most destructiv­e abroad. We have a precedent from which to learn from and we must analyse it much better so that we can make decisions based on fact. We are facing the same agenda as others have faced and the same pattern of introducti­on is being used here, right now. It is being imposed by a very tiny minority which seems to enjoy massive external backing. Through subtle media manipulati­on and with political backing at the very top, this tiny minority is enjoying success. For now.

This new ideology also preaches plutocracy: an elite or ruling class whose power is derived from their wealth, a state or society governed by the wealthy. In our case, this is a wealth that we are actually producing for them! We are, in fact, no longer individual­s living in a real democracy, with representa­tives who are there to serve us and our wishes. Laws are broken openly and continuall­y by the political class and their closest allies/supporters. We have a strong economy, yet the benefits of this are not trickling down to the working/lower class. We no longer have rights but through the false indoctrina­tion of neo-liberalism, our very rights as workers, humans, parents and a democratic society capable of making our own decisions and destiny are all being taken away and replaced with – grey. Nothingnes­s. No longer a boy or a girl but an ‘entity’. No longer a human life but a mere bunch of cells. No longer a baby human being but a ‘fertilised egg’. No longer male/female but whatever you decide today. No longer a family made up of man, woman and children but any combinatio­n that you yourself decides suits you best. If you are not useful to produce for the plutocrats then euthanasia is a great, cost-effective solution to remove you as a burden on society. The list is endless and growing but there is always one result.

We are actually turning from ‘a culture of life’ to ‘a culture of death’ on all fronts – one in which, (without our consent) God is removed and replaced by ego, pride, replaced with money and power in the hands of the very few.

Society no longer thinks of ‘my responsibi­lities’ but is persuaded to think of ‘my rights’ – rights which, in reality, are all being taken away from us by the self-appointed oligarchy! Well, we Christians believe that the further you remove yourself from God and the laws that have served our societies for so long and so well, the bigger the mess you are actually making.

Many Christians of all denominati­ons approach me and we talk. You can sense the anger over this feeling of being let down by all of our leaders. There is an underlying fear that the powers wanting the new ‘culture of death’ are far bigger than our ‘culture of life’ and that no one is standing up to them, even if they feel the need to do so inside.

I find myself smiling at this thought even as I write down my feelings:

There are so few of them: no more than 10 people driving this, I say. And so many of us. We can easily turn this around, surely.

Our power is far stronger than theirs – we just have to use it, not just complain verbally but stand up and act. Be a clear sign so that others may do the same and join you.

Stable laws have been/are being changed to most stupid ones. Let us reverse that to ones that are well thought out and that serve society well.

You don’t like what Joseph Muscat, Evarist Bartolo, Helena Dalli or others are enacting on your behalf? When the time comes (and it is coming very soon!) don’t vote for them. If you do this simple act, they will lose the power that we gave them. The game will be over and we can start rebuilding. The same applies to the PN. You tell me that you no longer see it as championin­g Christian Democrat values, that it is no longer representi­ng you? Fine. Don’t vote for them. Simple.

Vote for the people who are standing up now for what you believe in. Those who are not selling you out and whom you feel are representi­ng your beliefs. Vote for those who feel that representi­ng you now is more important than any temporary political power they might lose, those who believe that the Maltese Christian identity, morals and values are what makes our society unique, and worth fighting for to restore and are unwilling to become another piece of the grey that is surroundin­g us. Vote for those who are saying now that they entered politics to defend Maltese society itself and not to sell it out to a failed ideology; who are offering a clear point of reference and a clear, unwavering direction. And those who also want all of this should, like us, stand up now and join us.

Do I really believe that the ‘strong’ neo-liberals who have hijacked both traditiona­l parties can be stopped? The answer is “Yes of course” and much more easily than many actually think, too!

Firstly, they are not as strong as they will have us believe. They are too few in number and they rely on expensive media rather than strong ideology. As the saying goes: “The media made them and the media will break them” as they are not delivering on their many promises.

Secondly, I believe that the only real solution is a political one. Not protests or signatures or such – they will simply ignore the will of the people. But is it really that hard to simply not vote for them come election time? That’s where the real solution lies. Take away their power to legislate and it all stops. Replace them with those who will represent us and not the businessma­n or the ones who have hijacked authority to drive harmful agendas. Commit right now to reversing these harmful agendas, to give society back what is presently being stolen. Just as it has been easy for the few to try to destroy Maltese identity, culture and values, so too I believe can it all restored – reversed to the state where we are once again safe in a democratic society, where society wields the real power.

I believe that the next election will not be about left versus right – not anymore, as the PN and the PL now actually represent the same ideology. It’s now about ‘neo-liberalism and plutocracy’ on the one side versus ‘reform/conservati­sm’ and preserving our identity/values/morals on the other.

Viewed like this, victory is quite achievable, because so many already at this stage are openly refusing to vote for the present, non-Christian Democrat PN or Progressiv­e Liberal (PL).

There will be those who will try to paint us Christians as draconian, mad and ‘from behind the mountains’, living in mediaeval times and so on. What’s new? They paint anyone whom they cannot assimilate into their warped thinking as such. If that is the best they can throw at us, then I say the battle is already won and they just don’t know it yet! History is full of many others who wanted to ‘rule the world’ and who failed miserably once they came up against God-fearing societies. The Neo-liberals and their culture of death are clearly underestim­ating us.

It is time for them to learn what it actually means to be a Christian, to be truly Maltese and to taste the real power that comes from the faith of being a proud Maltese Christian.

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