Malta Independent

Qalb it-Tfal Foundation: improving children’s lives


Qalb it-Tfal Foundation is strongly committed to improving the lives of children in need. The foundation offers psychologi­cal, emotional, materialis­tic and financial support to the patients, their relatives and staff of NPICU (Neonate Paediatric Intensive Care Unit), and to children in our society who are psychologi­cally, physically or emotionall­y neglected.

Throughout the summer months various events were held in aid of Qalb it-Tfal; on the 24th April the Malta Festival of Transport was held in Birzebbuga with over 100 vehicles in attendance. A Zumba event was organised in Dingli on 25 August while a few days later, KSFA (Kingfisher Sport Fishing Associatio­n) held Mit-Tfal ghat-Tfal, which consisted of a catch and release fishing competitio­n in Marsascala.

From these three events a total of €2,100 was raised in aid of Qalb it-Tfal.

With some of the money collected this summer we have already helped a number of children coming from a problemati­c background, with nurturing, counsellin­g and also purchasing uniforms to start the scholastic year on a positive note.

Qalb it-Tfal is currently working with the staff of the NPICU at Mater Dei Hospital to provide more appropriat­e Basic Life Support knowledge to parents of premature neonates. This entails the purchase of an appropriat­e BLS training dummy. Other projects underway include establishi­ng a counsellin­g service for parents within the NPICU. Other plans are also in the discussion phase.

For these projects to succeed donations and volunteers are constantly in need, together with the help of sponsorshi­ps which are the stepping stones between conceptual­isation and materialis­ation of so many projects needed by these children within our society.

Thanks go out to all those helping in any way Qalb it-Tfal to continue to support so many children within our society that are vulnerable in many ways.

Facebook @QalbitTfal.

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