Malta Independent

Rivals Hamilton and Rosberg in the mood for showdown


Formula One rivals Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg can’t even shake hands.

The Mercedes pair showed their competitiv­e spirit yesterday by ignoring a request from photograph­ers to “stand up and shake hands” before their prerace news conference ahead of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

Instead, both sank their hands into their pockets before sitting down to answer questions.

With Hamilton’s title on the line — and Rosberg’s first beckoning — neither wants to give any ground heading into Sunday’s race.

Rosberg has a 12-point lead and is favoured to clinch the title, needing only a third-place finish if Hamilton wins.

“That’s not going to make me go faster, to have such thoughts about something that might or might not happen,” said Rosberg, runner-up to Hamilton for the past two seasons. “This is the third time the championsh­ip has gone to the wire. So I’m more relaxed.”

Asked how he will approach the decider, Rosberg wasn’t shy.

“I’m going to go for the race and win and do what it takes to get that,” he said, adding “within the limits of what’s acceptable.”

Mutual respect between the drivers remains, however, stemming from their days as teenagers racing karts against each other.

“The thing we still have from back then is the base respect and that will never go. That has helped us through the years,” Rosberg said. “It’s generally (a) neutral (relationsh­ip now), but of course it’s a difficult environmen­t.”

However, three years of challengin­g each other for the title against has largely eroded the carefree relationsh­ip they used to have.

“We had a lot in common. We both liked pizza and eating boxes of Kellog’s Frosties (cereal),” Hamilton said yesterday. “Stepping away from being our competitiv­e selves, I’m proud of how he’s driven, particular­ly this year. Generally, it’s been a pleasure to have him as a teammate.

Even if Hamilton wins his 10th race of the season on Sunday, it may not be enough to bring a fourth F1 title that would draw him level with French great Alain Prost and German driver Sebastian Vettel.

“(When I was) 43 points behind, I thought it was impossible,” Hamilton said. “Somehow I turned it round. (Then) I was 33 points behind and have almost turned it around.”

Hamilton’s season has been hit by mechanical issues and engine failure — unthinkabl­e during pre-season testing when both Mercedes were hugely reliable.

That still seems to grate with him.

“When I look back on the season if there’s anything to be negative about would be cars failing in certain places,” Hamilton said. “(With the same engine) as the car that wouldn’t stop during testing.”

Prior to the start of the season, Mercedes swapped several mechanics around from each side of the garage. Some of Rosberg’s went to work with Hamilton and vice-versa, in a bid to end the divide that had been growing over the previous two seasons.

The issue of the mechanics swap was put to Rosberg at yesterday’s news conference, but before he could answer, Hamilton interjecte­d: “What was the explanatio­n given to you?”

Hamilton then pledged to reveal more in the future.

“You’ll have to buy my book ... down the line ... in 10 years’ time when I tell you exactly what happened,” the British driver said. “It will be an interestin­g read.”

 ??  ?? Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain (right) and his teammate Nico Rosberg of Germany pose for a picture prior to a news conference Photo: AP
Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain (right) and his teammate Nico Rosberg of Germany pose for a picture prior to a news conference Photo: AP

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