Malta Independent

Cardona has turned the whole country into a brothel – Beppe Fenech Adami


PN Deputy Leader Beppe Fenech Adami yesterday claimed that Economy Minister Chris Cardona has turned the whole country into a brothel.

He was replying to questions following the publicatio­n of a blog on Daphne Caruana Galizia’s website, which said that Dr Cardona visited a brothel in Germany on Monday night. Dr Cardona, who is also Labour’s deputy leader, has denied the claims.

“It is a serious allegation that is totally unacceptab­le, regardless of whether or not he was on an official trip,” Dr Fenech Adami said

The deputy leader then said it was not the first time the minister’s behaviour on official trips has been called into question as he referred to the Dubai scandal where it was revealed that the minister along with his chief of staff had racked up a €700 alcohol bill whilst on an official visit to the country.

The Nationalis­t Party called the press conference to unveil the latest billboards which will appear at a majority of PN clubs around the island, but it seems that the Deputy Leader was looking for an opportunit­y to comment on the minister’s alleged indiscreti­on.

The billboards relate to the increase in the price of fuel that was introduced at the start of the month and the Panama Papers scandal.

“It has been almost a year since the Panama Papers scandal revealed that the two closest people to the Prime Minister held secret accounts, in which they intended to deposit a minimum of one million euros,” Dr Fenech Adami said when unveiling the image which displays three hats with the names of the Panamanian companies.

When quizzed by journalist­s on his opinion on the identity of Egrant plc, the third company whose ultimate beneficial owner has yet to be identified, Dr Fenech Adami said: “The country knows the identity of Egrant. I have no doubt who it is. Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri know. The Prime Minister knows. It is obvious.”

He went on to say that “the scandal paints the whole picture of the most corrupt government this country has ever seen”.

The many scandals that have plagued the current administra­tion and have had a detrimenta­l effect on the population, Dr Fenech Adami explained as he pointed towards the increase in fuel prices as evidence of this.

He also claimed that this has also manifested itself in the lack of investment in education, health and local councils.

With regards to the education sector, Dr Fenech Adami claimed that the government had broken its pre-electoral promise that it would invest in new schools.

PN general election candidates Albert Buttigieg and Graziella Galea were also at the press conference. The former referred to rental crisis on the islands saying that, much like the first-time buyers scheme, the recent subsidies have done nothing but further increase prices. The latter spoke of the recent scandal involving the General Workers’ Union, which she said profited the union instead of the workers it is meant to protect.

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