Malta Independent

Allied Newspapers reaches agreement with former managing director Adrian Hillman


Allied Newspapers Limited have reached a private agreement with former managing director Adrian Hillman concerning “any claims they have or may have had against each other. As a result, all litigation is being withdrawn.”,

Mr Hillman left his post after an inquiry was launched into alleged editorial interferen­ce.

The inquiry, which begun in March 2016, involved allegation­s made by blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia that Mr Hillman may have received bribes from Keith Schembri after it was ascertaine­d that he held a secret company on the British Virgin Islands.

Mr Hillman demanded compensati­on in front of the Industrial Tribunal after he offered his resignatio­n on 25 May, claiming constructi­ve dismissal.

In September, Allied Newspapers Ltd filed a judicial letter asking Mr Hillman to refund company money he used without authorisat­ion.

In a statement sent to the media by the DOI, Keith Schembri, Chief of Staff at the Office of the Prime Minister, said: “I welcome the news that Allied Newspapers and Adrian Hillman have reached a positive agreement and all litigation is being withdrawn. Given that part of the claims attributed wrongdoing by Mr Hillman and companies belonging to my group, this result proves that there was no such wrongdoing as had been alleged.

“The dishonest and highly politicise­d campaign against me personally has been proved to be baseless.

“Now that this matter has been resolved, for the sake of transparen­cy, I urge Allied Newspapers to publish its independen­t inquiry.”

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