Malta Independent

PN challenges PM to speak up on Trump refugee ban


Joseph Muscat, both in his capacity as Prime Minister, but also in his capacity as President of the European Council should break his silence and speak out about the decision of the US President to ban refugees from entry into the US, the Nationalis­t Party said in a statement.

President Trump’s decision raises serious concerns on human rights and on the continued commitment of the US to the Geneva Convention. The Prime Minister should spell out where he stands and stand up for our values, the PN said.

President Trump’s decision also raises serious concerns for Malta which has long benefited from the resettleme­nt of refugees from Malta to the US.

The US has, since 2010, been of tremendous support to Malta in helping us deal with the challenge of immigratio­n and it has accepted some 1,500 refugees from Malta under the US Resettleme­nt Programme. The Prime Minister should explain if and how the recent Executive Order of President Trump will affect Malta and specifical­ly whether the US will now stop accepting refugees who have been granted internatio­nal protection in Malta.

As Prime Minister, but even more so, as President of the European Council, Joseph Muscat should break his silence and speak out for our values and for our interests, the PN said.

Government replies

Reacting, the Office of the Prime Minister said the leader of the Opposition on Monday was present in the audience, together with the media, during a public event organised by the Chamber of Commerce, when the Prime Minister delivered a speech, part of which read out as follows: “[Brexit on its own is one thing.] Adding to it the decisions that the new US administra­tion is taking, some of which we clearly disagree with since they are heavy handed...

“This was a clear reference to the US President’s refugee-related decisions, which surely did not go by unnoticed by the audience. The Prime Minister and the Maltese government clearly disagree with discrimina­tion based on origin or religion. The Opposition should stop trying to politicise everything, especially when its leader was present when the Prime Minister made his position in public,” the OPM said.

 ??  ?? Speaker Anglu Farrugia was welcomed to the European Parliament by the new President Antonio Tajani at the beginning of an inter-parliament­ary meeting on stability, economic coordinati­on and governance.
Speaker Anglu Farrugia was welcomed to the European Parliament by the new President Antonio Tajani at the beginning of an inter-parliament­ary meeting on stability, economic coordinati­on and governance.
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