Malta Independent

OSCE representa­tive urges protection of independen­t journalist­s, free expression


It is the job of journalist­s to report on issues of public importance

Intimidati­ng journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia could restrict public debate and diminish media freedom in Malta, OSCE Representa­tive on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović said yesterday.

“I follow with concern media reports of the pressure on Caruana Galizia for her critical work,” Mijatović said. “It is the job of journalist­s to report on issues of public importance and it is the job of the authoritie­s to ensure that journalist­s can do so without being intimidate­d or threatened.”

On 8 February a court upheld a request by the Economy Minister to freeze the bank account of Caruana Galizia for more than €47,000 for an article published on 30 January which compromise­d his consultant and him during a recent business trip to Germany. His consultant and the minister have filed four libel suits against the journalist.

“Initiating libel lawsuits for the work of journalist­s can very quickly chill free public discourse in any society,” Mijatović said, recalling that public figures must endure a higher threshold of criticism and scrutiny due to their public work.

“In addition, the very unusual move to freeze significan­t financial assets of Caruana Galizia already depicts her as guilty,” Mijatović said. “Freedom of expression cannot stop at views deemed appropriat­e by those in power.”

The Representa­tive also noted with concern media reports that on 4 February the Economy Minister sued another journalist, Mario Frendo from the media outlet In-Nazzjon, in connection with the same issue.

“I call on the authoritie­s to protect critical journalism and free speech,” she said. “I trust that they will remedy this situation by ensuring that Caruana Galizia and all journalist­s can freely carry out their important work.”

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