Malta Independent

FoE objects to Pembroke private school applicatio­n

● ‘Open space should remain for public enjoyment’


Friends of the Earth Malta has submitted its objections to the Planning Authority (PA) with regard to the Pembroke open space being earmarked for a private school.

It was referring to the applicatio­n for the developmen­t of a new Chiswick House school. The land in question lies within the developmen­t zone.

The school says it was directed to the area by the authoritie­s after no suitable alternativ­es were found. It also says that the constructe­d area will only take up a quarter of the allocated footprint.

Pembroke residents, however, are up in arms as they feel that the project would destroy virgin land and create traffic problems. A protest was held in the area a few days ago, with Environmen­t Minister Jose Herrera attending and expressing his support to the residents.

“FoE Malta believes that this project will take away nature and a wide open space away from the residents and everyone else who visits the area. We all need nature in our lives. Experienci­ng vibrant nature is also crucial for everybody’s health and well-being,” the eNGO said yesterday in a statement.

“Regular time spent in nature is good for children’s developmen­t, and for fitness and our mental health. Building a school on this site will rob these benefits from the many to the profit of the few. As a necessary component of a good life, we believe that experienci­ng nature should be considered a fundamenta­l right for everyone, regardless of our background­s. On top of that, this new constructi­on will lead to significan­t increase in traffic thus increasing air and noise pollution and will also affect the safety of the neighbourh­ood.”

FoE said the proposed constructi­on site currently also acts as a buffer zone for the adjacent Natura 2000 site. The garigue in this buffer zone should be protected at all costs and we believe that if anything, this parcel of land should also be included within the Natura 2000 boundary.

“In the interest of the community in Pembroke and that of the wider public, FoE Malta urges the PA Board to refuse this applicatio­n. Friends of the Earth will also be nominating this site for public domain status during the next round of consultati­ons.”

Regular time spent in nature is good for children’s developmen­t, and for fitness and our mental health. Building a school on this site will rob these benefits from the many to the profit of the few

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