Malta Independent

Chris Said pledges clear choice through integrity


PN leadership hopeful Chris Said has said that the 22,000 party members will be given a clear choice with hard work, integrity and honesty being central to his campaign.

In a statement, Dr Said said he will immediatel­y launch a campaign for the 16 September election, the second phase of the election process which will eventually choose the new PN leader.

“On Saturday, more than 1,300 councillor­s chose me and Adrian Delia. Others have chosen Alex Perici Calascione and Frank Portelli. I thank them all. But those who voted for Portelli and Perici Calascione cannot be ignored,” he said. “I want to represent them too.”

“These 20,000 voters will be given a clear choice. My campaign will be based on integrity, honesty and hard work.”

He said that like any other candidate, he wants the PN to win the next general election. “But to win, we cannot sell our soul,” he added.

“To win, we cannot become a photocopy of the Labour Party. Labour Mark 2 does not exist. There only exists a Nationalis­t Party based on principles.”

“Politics is not the theatre. Politics is the life of the people. I do not want to destroy the party, I want to make it stronger, not use it and then throw it away.”

Dr Said explained that four years from now, there will be a government which destroyed the institutio­ns of our country, drowning in corruption, a government which failed to create new job sectors in the economy. “Before such a situation, the electorate will need a proper alternativ­e, not a photocopy or a party in bed with the Labour Party.”

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