Malta Independent

As local council members resign, PL says PN’s internal problems have reached local level

● PN says St Paul’s Bay Local Council has been in stalemate for months

- Gabriel Schembri

The Labour Party insists that the problems plaguing the Nationalis­t Party have now reached the local council level after the resignatio­n of St Paul’s Bay councillor­s David Thake and Robert Piscopo.

Thake resigned from deputy mayor some weeks ago, saying that Adrian Delia was not the ‘credible’ leader the PN needed. In a statement yesterday, the PL noted that another PN councillor, Robert Piscopo, had now resigned. “His resignatio­n as a councillor from the PN technicall­y means that the PN lost the majority in the local council, so much so that they are losing one vote after another,“the PL said.

“In a locality where the lack of serious leadership was being felt, this resignatio­n continues to complicate the situation.” The PL said citizens deserved stable local councils focused on improving citizens’ lives.

On Facebook, Piscopo announced he was resigning from the PN and staying on as an independen­t councillor. He blamed mayor Graziella Galea. “As most of you may already know, the present Nationalis­t mayor has made member collaborat­ion virtually impossible, and this despite various attempts on my part and from other sources to redress the situation. With the resignatio­n of David Thake, I was next in line to be appointed Deputy Mayor of St. Pauls Bay. There is no political title that can pigeonhole a strong character into sitting quietly doing nothing.

“Genuine politics is about acting what you believe in, hands on, irrespecti­ve of the title or the ‘cover’ which some may choose to use. That is why I believe I may be of better service acting independen­tly from the Nationalis­t Party.”

In a press conference later yesterday morning, PN spokesman on local councils Robert Cutajar said that the St Paul’s Bay local council had been in a stalemate for months as certain council members were failing to vote in line with their PN colleagues. He said that there were two individual­s, Joseph Vella and Robert Piscopo who were stalling the votes. In particular, Cutajar mentioned how during this week’s session, Piscopo and Vella voted against measures “aimed to help the residents of the locality.”

Among the measures, the council was in process of employing two new employees. “Yesterday Piscopo voted against the PN, with the PL councillor­s. For months, now, these individual­s have been asking for the resignatio­n of Mayor Graziella Galea.”

Cutajar said that he personally spoke with leader Adrian Delia and told him “no one is bigger than the party.”

Cutajar, accompanie­d by Pierre Portelli who represents the College of Local Councils of the PN, said that the PN was meant to launch an internal consultati­on process on the working of the local councils. The consultati­on process will be discussing, among other things, the Vote 16. The PN will eventually present the consultati­on document to the government by end of January.

When asked whether he was approached by Piscopo and Vella to discuss possible problems in the council, Cutajar said that he met them individual­ly and as a council.

“We discussed major issues and most of them were solved. We need to see that every council member is in line with the party. The priority still remains the residents.”

Robert Piscopo later replied to Cutajar’s press conference. Piscopo asked why the party would consider this resignatio­n as a form of threat if there had been issues in the council for months.

“The real issue is: how can the Party take note of the problems encountere­d within the council when the same mayor and her father are part of the party’s executive?

“A real leader would take in stride constructi­ve criticism especially since it is aimed to improve a situation which in the locality of Saint Paul’s Bay is well known. The Party is made up of members. If the harmony and stability of the Party is undermined so is the leadership. Sincerely hope this will not prove to be the case.”

Mayor’s reaction

St Paul’s Bay Mayor Graziella Galea finally spoke about the issue in the local council in a Facebook post late yesterday evening. She said that Robert Piscopo had, from the very beginning, shown that he did not want to work with her as mayor. “This same council member has failed to attend almost half of the meetings,” she said.

She then made reference to Joseph Vella, another rebel councilor, and said that he used to use inappropri­ate language during certain meetings. “It’s a pity that there are those who look after their partisan gains before the needs of the residents.”

Galea noted that a lot of council meetings had to be cancelled because of the lack of attendance.

 ??  ?? Robert Piscopo
Robert Piscopo

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