Malta Independent

Person posing as parker slapped with €500 fine, prohibited from entering car park


Transport Malta (TM) welcomes a decision taken by the courts where it fined a person posing as a parker €500 and banning him from entering the parking lot for a period of six months.

In a press release issued by TM, it said that the court’s decision supports and strengthen­s the work being carried out by the entity itself and the police with the aim of protecting drivers in public car parks.

In a press release issued yesterday morning by TM, it said that the court’s decision supports and strengthen­s the work being carried out by the entity itself and the police with the aim of protecting drivers in public car parks.

Magistrate Jose Mifsud, presiding over the case, fined the person for posing as a parker without having the necessary licence or TM tag, and fined him the highest amount permitted by law.

Should the person breach the ban from entering the car park, the person could suffer a jail sentence.

TM said that while illicitly posing as a parker, the person was harassing drivers to give pay money.

TM said that it repeatedly asked the person to stop however this request fell on deaf ears, leading the entity to file two separate cases against the person.

Despite this, the issue continued to persist.

The entity described how it gathered more evidence and filed another case against the person, which was concluded this morning.

It said that it is increasing work against illegal practices in public parking areas and that it will be taking action against two other individual­s who have carried out similar offences.

TM reminded the public that drivers can park in public car parks without paying any money, that licensed parkers have TM tags and it also encouraged the public to file reports of abuse on the freephone number 80072393.

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