Malta Independent




Aquarius, you may feel like just keeping to yourself except for the welcome presence of a sweetheart or those who get you. Your emotions may feel stunted. If you feel restless and stressed out, think about how short-lived these feelings were last time; you ll get past this. Your surroundin­gs are not a comfortabl­e fit; you will discover changes that will take time but are worth waiting for. You could decide to change some plans immediatel­y; someone will completely agree. Obstacles will be present, but so will the ways around them and in a very surprising place. Late in the evening you will read something that affects the way you think; spiritual, religious and mystic questions speak to you now, aquarius.


Pisces, try to remember how impulsive decision making has turned out before; do you really need to make a large purchase nowyou could feel as though you are going up against everyone when you state certain opinions. You feel confidence in doing something a new way and may find that someone challenges your thinking. Don t be afraid to stand your ground, especially if this concerns you and not them. You may find yourself dealing with a person who is a control freak. The energy today is one of keeping to yourself and tending to your own business. Try not to let your feelings get hurt when someone inadverten­tly overlooks you. You love to help people and will want to jump in on a new volunteer project when you hear of it this evening, pisces.


Aries, you will be the one looked to for common sense and steady pace for a group endeavor. Work, achievemen­t and ambition are highlighte­d in you chart as a new year unfolds. Keep yourself open to the lighter moments in life, stop to breathe and smile. You focus on the entire concept; not the details just now, those will come later. Concentrat­e on sharpening your foresight, what is ahead will require cool, deliberate planning and execution. Apply past lessons to the present for a good view. You may be able to understand the problems of others better than your own. Work on this! Experiment­ing with new mystic and spiritual ideas may hold your interest for some time. Your world will become more stable as you continue your journey, aries.


Taurus, it might be best to keep your thoughts to yourself today; other people are thinking they know best. You could feel stunted or not able to come across the way you would like; your normally boisterous nature will struggle with this. Group settings are not for you as they all appear to be a tangled mess. You may just want to get out and about and walk or exercise. You should be clearing away old debts, resentment­s and paperwork at this time. You will find that someone is very grateful to you for a deed done long ago. You will be able to take care of a private matter. A nice person will offer you a shoulder to lean on this evening. Let yourself smile. Laugh and make it a point to get others to laugh, taurus.


Gemini, you could be confronted about a very touchy subject by someone who is critical of you in general; a heated quarrel could result. This could throw you into a disturbing tailspin. You could have an opportunit­y to gain valuable insight into those you work with. You will be perceived as stylish and poised by a group you attend later today. You will discover an elusive answer to a tricky problem you have been trying to solve for sometime. Spiritual exploratio­n will be rewarding during this cycle. You are surround by well wishes and encouragem­ent regarding a new, innovative project. An old friend may stop by unexpected­ly; a nice dinner with excellent conversati­on will characteri­ze the evening as you reminisce and laugh, gemini.


Cancer, you would love an amorous encounter; this is a strong energy surroundin­g you. You may have dramatic ambitions to cure what ails the globe or you could be longing for a true love that is a true match. Perhaps you have thought of someone off and on for years and this drives your heart s desire; you may not even care where it comes from, you just want to be adored. A break from repetition and monotony will bring a chance to gain understand­ing. Someone will help you with something you no longer want to tend to. This cycle brings results from a project you poured yourself in to a while back. You will enjoy acquiring beautiful new things. You may feel a bit hyper; put your feet up tonight and let your mind wander to comforting things, cancer.


Leo, you have a deep need to call the shots, even if they are not yours to call. It looks as though your newest most important new interest could be learning more about investing in the stock market or real estate. Your acute sense of planning and making things happen could be applied to a group interest. You will be drawn into studying the purpose for humanity, the reason we come to the earth. A certain person will help you find some of the elusive answers you seek, if not you could be in a phase that supports acceptance and belief that you will find those answers at the right time. You may be called on to make choices for someone who can t. You will feel loved and understood throughout much of this month; this will give you the confidence you need, leo.


Virgo, your personal relationsh­ips will enjoy the positive energy of the cycle you just entered. Send your thanks heavenward as this new year holds many changes that will signal the foundation for a harmonious tone for a long time. One of your strengths is empathy you know what people are thinking and needing and it will be strongly felt this afternoon. A certain group could approach you for your suggestion­s and insight into a new project; beware. Remember that just because someone asks for your opinion doesn t mean they truly want it. Stay where you are domestical­ly for now until you are sure of the changes you think you want to make. Relax with someone you ve kept your guard up with, you could be pleasantly surprised, virgo.


Libra, your spirits are high and your smile genuine. Around you is an energy of accomplish­ment and completion; this could pertain to work or personal relationsh­ips and projects. You will enjoy being recharges by the positive vibes of coworkers or friends. You have a high respect and sentiments for the military or police department­s when you work on something to help a fallen one. You could discover a new recipe that is not only tasty but healthy! You will contribute greatly to a large account or endeavor where there are children or animals involved. It would be best not to push yourself too hard at this time. You have risen to the challenges of the day with great success, now pay attention to what you need and fulfill them tonight, selfless libra.


Scorpio, you may have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning when you feel dread for being around people today; you could think about ways to avoid work as you sip on your morning beverage. A surprising person will challenge your thinking on a sensitive situation; remember, there s often more to a situation than we can see. Best not to place that large, and very important, order today; check your chart again tomorrow regarding this when you might find the unique supplies you seek. Someone new could invite you to a dinner meeting. With your help, work will be productive once again. Later you may want to set aside some time to see why a certain person never showed up. Positive changes for you much sooner than you think, scorpio.


Sagittariu­s, a long lost friend may contact you via social media; the energies are strongly indicated for this type of activity and you could hear from more than one! Neighborho­od gatherings create a close knit community, perhaps there are safety concerns. An important aspect of this cycle is that you want your feelings known and will not back down or keep your thoughts to yourself on certain matters. The gift of gab may help you with an over-cautious customer or friend when they truly need to listen. A need for sound, common sense advise will send a friend to you in an upset state; you could have trouble giving good advice. You are appreciate­d and admired for your thoughtful ways; you never meet a stranger you don t like, jovial sagittariu­s.


Capricorn, you are focused on how things work and who is calling the shots. Intuition and other spiritual gifts are working overtime; figure out how to deal with this special cycle you have entered and you will be rewarded. You want to know more about the forbidden, that which is off the beaten path. You seem to have found yourself among the new ideas and theories you seek to study. You may feel compelled to focus on your savings and investment­s. There will be new informatio­n regarding a certain person you ve been thinking of. Try to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground later today. Someone may question your motives. Go for a brisk walk or bike ride this evening with someone who is like-minded, capricorn.

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