Malta Independent

Deserved win for Ħamrun

- Victor Ciangura Mosta: Ħamrun: Player of the match: Referee:

Mosta Hamrun 1 4

Ħamrun were the better outfit during the whole 80 minutes, creating more actions than Mosta and fully deserving the verdict.

They are now in fifth position on 19 points from 12 games while Mosta are in bottom placing with only 7 points also from 12 games.

The game was only five minutes old and Ħamrun were in the driving seat when Redeemer Muscat scored with a header from inside the area past Mosta keeper Dylan Ciappara after a well-taken flag kick by Janot Portelli.

In a Mosta action, Julian Farrugia dribbled past an opponent on the left flank but Ħamrun keeper Loran Schembri neutralise­d the ball following his high cross in the area.

Ħamrun doubled their lead in the 13th minute when Nicholas Gauci floated a high ball in the area from a midfield free kick and Xylon Portelli scored with a hard low drive.

The score became 3-0 in the 27th minute when Nicholas Gauci scored with a hard low drive from inside the area following a flag kick by Russell Vella.

In an action by Mosta, Sant released Farrugia in the area but Schembri saved his shot to a corner. The first actions after the resumption were created by Mosta. Dale Mifsud served Sant with a through ball on the right flank and after advancing Schembri saved his hard rising shot.

Later, Formosa dribbled past an opponent outside the area and served Matthew Mifsud with a square pass but he drove slightly over the bar from the distance.

Sciberras then served substitute Matteo Vella in the area and from his low drive the ball hit the base of the upright with Schembri beaten and ended in his waiting hands.

In Ħamrun’s next attack in the 53rd minute they scored a fourth goal as Vella served Xylon Portelli with a square pass in the area and he netted with a hard low drive.

Mosta scored a consolatio­n goal in the 63rd minute when Sciberras released Matteo Vella in the area and scored with a low shot.

D.Ciappara, G.Sant, J.Farrugia, G.Sciberras, I.Borg, L.Formosa, L.Portanier, D.Mifsud, I.Galea, K.Farrugia, G,Muscat L.Schembri, J.Portelli, J.Fiteni, M.Tabone, N.Gauci, C.Galea, Y.Sultana, R.Muscat, R.Vella, M.Mifsud, X.Portelli Xylon Portelli (Ħamrun) Sasa Miljkovic

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