Malta Independent

Austria says it’s prepared to ‘protect’ its southern border


Austria’s government and German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition partners raised questions yesterday about a deal to end a crisis over migration policy, with Vienna saying it was prepared to take unspecifie­d measures to “protect” Austria’s southern border if its neighbour turned back migrants.

As a compromise, on Monday evening, to end a dispute that had ballooned into a threat to Merkel’s government, her party and its Bavarian conservati­ve ally called for “transit centres” on the German-Austrian border.

The idea is that migrants who previously applied for asylum in another European Union country would be returned there from those centres under as-yet unconclude­d agreements with other European government­s. The deal states that in cases where the country concerned refuses, migrants would be turned back at the border “on the basis of an agreement” with Austria.

Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union and its ally, Bavaria’s Christian Social Union, govern Germany in a coalition with the center-left Social Democrats, who have yet to sign on to the deal.

The Social Democrats’ leader, Andrea Nahles, said the deal contains “uncovered checks,” stressing that there must be an agreement with Austria or with Italy — where many refugees and other migrants headed for Germany land in Europe. Her party is also mulling whether to accept the “transit centres.”

The Austrian government, meanwhile, has called for quick clarificat­ion of the German government’s position, saying it is prepared for all scenarios. The Austria Press Agency reported that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, his vice chancellor and interior minister, said the German agreement suggested that “Germany wants to take national measures to tackle migration flows.”

If that becomes the German government’s position, they said Austria “is prepared in particular to take measures to protect our southern borders” with Italy and Slovenia.

Germany has conducted some identifica­tion checks on its border with Austria since 2015, an exception granted to Germany and various other countries by the EU under the rules of Europe’s passport-free travel area. The deal does not change that state of affairs.

Merkel and Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, the CSU leader, argued for weeks over the latter’s proposal to turn back some migrants unilateral­ly at the German border. Merkel insisted on seeking agreements with other countries, keen to prevent a cascade of unilateral decisions that would further fray European unity.

Seehofer said he spoke to Kurz by phone yesterday morning and wanted to travel to Vienna “as soon as possible.” He said he had the impression that Kurz “is interested in a sensible solution.” Seehofer added that he also planned to talk with Italian authoritie­s.

The Austrian government has called for quick clarificat­ion of the German government’s position

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