Malta Independent

AG’s refusal impinges on constituti­onal right of Leader of the Opposition, says Delia

- Noel Grima

Rounding off the week in which he filed a Constituti­onal case against the Attorney General Opposition leader Adrian Delia still insisted on the importance of the case.

Interviewe­d on Net FM yesterday, Dr Delia said the Leader of the Opposition has rights and duties written down in the Constituti­on.

So if he cannot fulfil his role because the Attorney General decides he is not to be given a copy of the Egrant inquiry report, this means he cannot function as the Constituti­on would have him do.

The AG’s decision has created an imbalance between the prime minister and him. This is a threat to democracy.

The Leader of the Opposition dwelt on other current issues, from the direct order worth €0.25 billion for an extension to St Vincent de Paule Hospital to other cases.

With regards to the first case, the Minister for Finance said he knew nothing about this direct order when the order’s confirmati­on was published even on the Government Gazette. The government is lying.

When foreigners get to know about such cases, they do not submit tenders as they would be afraid the tendering procedure in Malta is shaky.

The reputation of Malta abroad is affected.

Another source of worry is the road situation with some 40 cars added to the traffic every day. Public transport is not much better, as a priest wrote on social media it took him two hours and a tour around Malta to get to Bahar ic-Caghaq.

The situation has been made worse with the recent increases in the prices of petrol and diesel.

These increases seem to have come in too late to be reflected in the COLA increase as from 1 January. Some 70,000 persons are at risk of poverty and more cannot afford normal life. The government has lost its social conscience.

Having once again blasted the Minister for Finance, Dr Delia concluded by just mentioning that the Nationalis­t Party is regenerati­ng itself.

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