Malta Independent

Prime Minister in China to sign agreement promoting investment


During a short interview on the Labour Party’s One Radio, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said he was in China to sign an agreement which would continue to provide a framework for further investment in Malta.

The prime minister said that Malta served as a “point of investment” in Europe. He also referred to the latest budget and the importance of distributi­ng the benefits reaped by Malta’s growing economy among the people.

He said that 6,000 families would benefit from the children’s allowance, and mentioned that 92,000 pensioners were to receive an increase in their pensions.

He took aim at the Opposition, saying that according to PN documentat­ion, poverty had decreased, the rise in the cost of living under this government was lower than under previous government­s, and that the number of immigrants in Malta was lower than that quoted by the Opposition.

He said the government remained focussed on change. Muscat spoke about the recent changes to waste collection and separation. While some believed it to be a minor issue, he said, it was an important subject.

He said that the fact Maltese families separated organic waste meant that a large portion of it would not be sent to landfills. “This means less land will need to be used.”

He said that while the new system imposed fines for taking out garbage on the wrong day, an educationa­l campaign was underway. He mentioned stickers being placed on such bags.

Muscat also touched upon the recent Malta Blockchain Summit, and said that last week, 8,500 people had come to Malta to learn about what it was doing to promote and regulate this sector.

Muscat believes that such conference­s not only fill hotels, but showcase Malta’s potential to investors who might open companies, employ people and create benefits.

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