Malta Independent

In the fight against climate change, the EU must be a strong voice with an ambitious programme – Miriam Dalli

MEP Miriam Dalli to attend Climate Action Summit in New York as a member of the European Parliament’s delegation


Member of the European Parliament Miriam Dalli has asked the European Commission to put forward an ambitious climate plan together with the financial measures needed to implement the necessary transition.

“We need the European Union to be a strong voice that is not afraid of putting forward an ambitious programme and plan of action. Weak EU commitment­s can only undermine our communitie­s, our industries, our economies, our youth and our children,” S&D Vice President Miriam Dalli told the European Parliament.

These programmes would focus on the transition and change needed, providing the necessary financial measures and horizontal policies that address all sectors.

Miriam Dalli is a member of the European Parliament delegation to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, which will be focusing on action to address climate and sustainabl­e developmen­t.

Tuesday’s agenda of the European Parliament in Strasbourg kicked off with a debate with European Commission­er for Climate Action Miguel Arias Cañete, discussing the position that the EU will adopt during this Summit.

Miriam Dalli insisted that “climate change is a global emergency requiring global solutions. However, it is a strong EU leadership that can push for the required change, while supporting the most vulnerable countries.”

Miriam Dalli explained that, as things stand today, the Paris Agreement’s targets would not be met. That is why immediate action is needed, based on the vision of an industry that is carbon neutral.

“We must have clear decarbonis­ation strategies by the different sectors like transport buildings, industry and energy amongst others. It is a European leadership that can speed up global action to tackle this climate emergency.”

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