Malta Independent

Climate emergency

- ■ Giulia Magri

Nationalis­t Party Leader Adrian Delia has called for the government to declare a national environmen­tal emergency and to strengthen measures to combat climate change.

Delia was speaking on Friday evening during the traditiona­l Independen­ce Day mass meeting outside the party’s headquarte­rs in Pieta’.

“On the same day our youths went to Valletta to strike for climate change and highlight their concerns, our Prime Minister opened two flyovers, which will only cause more traffic and car pollution,” said Delia.

The PN Leader said the Labour government says it cares about the environmen­t when in reality it is the opposite, as it continue to widen roads and has no sense of planning for the benefit of the country.

“Does this government have a vision? No, our own Prime Minister does not want a long-term plan, but the government continues to break the Maltese and Gozitans and reduce them to nothing.”

He pointed out that the government produces so much waste that it has nowhere to put it. The government continues to create more and more problems but it then tries to lay the blame with others.

He said that environmen­t is a main priority for the PN. Delia said that the children of the future will be left with a country which has been raped and destroyed by the citizens and that the Nationalis­t Party will push forward for more sustainabl­e developmen­t.

“Let us be the change and take the necessary courageous steps to stand up and plan for a better future for our country.”

Delia pointed out that there are problems in other sectors of society, speaking in great detail about the education sector and the alarming number of teachers who resign their profession.

“Teachers are resigning because the government mistreats them, they are tired of facing difficulti­es and sometimes even abuse at work.”

Delia said past PN government­s built a school every year. “Whilst PN built a new school every year, the Labour government provides a new container every week.”

Delia highlighte­d that Maltese and Gozitan youths cannot afford a roof over their head and therefore cannot plan their own future or families. “We find a place for nine foreigners to live in but not for one Maltese couple?”

He reflected on the issues related to health services and on when Minister Konrad Mizzi signed the hospitals privatisat­ion deal with Vitals.

“As a party we are doing everything we can to get those hospitals back, as the government stole your money and health.”

Delia said that during this important anniversar­y, one should not just reflect back on the past, but also on the future. “In the months to come, we will study and plan for our Malta, we will make sure that nature is not a victim of developmen­t but inspiratio­n, that youths are our investment for the future of this country. The Nationalis­t Party will speak up for those people who are afraid and we will bring restore good governance in this country.”

Delia thanked former Prime Ministers George Borg Oliver, Dom Mintoff, Eddie Fenech Adami and Lawrence Gonzi; all those who continued to work hard for the benefit of the population. “There were leaders who had a long term vision and plan, to protect not just a selective few but the whole population.”

He said that those now in Castille are hand-picked by the Prime Minister and use the citizens’ money for their own benefit.

“It is our duty to put forward a plan and vision for Malta in the coming years, not for myself, nor the party, but those of you who are here with us, and who love your country.”

Secretary General Clyde Puli said this anniversar­y is important not just for the party, but for the country and the people. “Under George Borg Oliver we pushed for independen­ce, and from that day on everything else was possible.”

He said that it was no secret that the party went through a number of difficulti­es throughout the past years but added that, despite all this, the PN continues to push forward initiative­s and proposals.

“We have all dedicated hours to work hard and come together on a number of reforms for the party and to benefit our population, and we are determined to work even harder.”

He said that the most difficult times also bring the most difficult decisions, which are not the “most popular of decisions”. He also highlighte­d that now there are two youth groups, MZPN and Team Start, which open doors for youths who wish to become part of the future of the party.

“As a party we are obliged to give the population a strong opposition, especially during a time where there is instabilit­y in the country. It is now the time for people to come together and the Nationalis­t Party will open its doors to those who are afraid and fed up of the corruption.”

He asked the crowd who will defend the businessme­n, the environmen­t, the working class citizens, if not Adrian Delia.

“Who will defend your quality of life? Who will defend the vulnerable? All of us together with Adrian Delia, we must fight against the corruption and the destructio­n of our environmen­t, we must sacrifice and never give up.”

 ?? Photo: Alenka Falzon ?? Nationalis­t Party and Opposition leader Adrian Delia gestures last night as he addresses the party’s Independen­ce meeting at its headquarte­rs in Pieta. He called on government to declare a national climate emergency
Photo: Alenka Falzon Nationalis­t Party and Opposition leader Adrian Delia gestures last night as he addresses the party’s Independen­ce meeting at its headquarte­rs in Pieta. He called on government to declare a national climate emergency

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