Malta Independent

Dancing to the tune


For all the hype about the economy or the LGBTIQ rights, surplus and other sound-bites, this Prime Minister will go down in Malta’s history as one of the least effective.

Rachel Borg is an independen­t columnist based in the tourism industry H is position is simply a figure-head, an imposter and a repetitive safe word which has long passed its usefulness. He tries to appear calm and in control by being evasive and blank, dispensing with any obligation to respond to the politics around him or legitimate and urgent questions. He thinks he is above the fray, choosing to distance himself at all times with no regard to the civil society he serves and is obliged to answer to.

In front of any court case brought against him or his close senior Ministers, on matters of national importance, he only sees how to prevent the course of justice and create yet another charade. Such behaviour only goes to show how little power he actually commands as a national leader and can only lead us to conclude that someone is pulling his strings and his job is actually optional.

It’s hard to believe that Malta fought for its independen­ce so it could manage its own destiny and choices. It only makes us think that all that was wanted was to have the keys to the coffer and the access to a land grab.

Each and every time Joseph Muscat is held to some account, as is normal and reasonable and expected from a leader, he becomes more and more irrelevant by his own choosing, coming out with some empty rhetoric, turning his head and pretending not to be involved or that he has his hands tied by rules of ethic. Having an equally easy ride opposition doesn’t help to put pressure on him.

The most pressing and urgent matter to which the Prime Minister should answer is the absence of justice in the case of the assassinat­ed journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia and the subsequent shame of not intervenin­g on the daily removal of the memorial.

Then there are the internatio­nally known scandals relating to Panama, 17 Black, Egrant, Pilatus bank, Socar, the fuel purchase from Azerbaijan and the Vitals deal to mention but a few. It is easy to say that people forget and that this government is a good machine that manages to convert disadvanta­ge to its advantage. That is not true. It is only that they have created a sub-context of lies and deception and suck from it and that Muscat allows himself to be manipulate­d in this way. Many have the impression that there is another who pulls the strings and he dances to the tune.

No serious leader would ever allow themselves to be as detached and removed from the centre of power as our Prime Minister has.

Not even one with a technical government. Yes, decentrali­zation is good but there should always be someone who ultimately answers to society and carries responsibi­lity when things go wrong or need fixing and who can present a vision for security and prosperity than can withstand the uncertaint­ies of the global economy.

The opposition have seen the method and follow in the shadows, afraid of their own. It is not important if Malta is selling citizenshi­p. That was Labour policy. What is important is that the Prime Minister became a sales man for Henley and Partners and that some agencies were given preferenti­al advantage. That is what he should answer for.

It is not important if we face a struggle with irregular migrants but it is very important that we are able to manage this situation humanely and within our limits and do not resort to populist behaviour.

Likewise, a Prime Minister should be able to ensure the rights of the people against the speculator­s of constructi­on. He should do everything within his power and means to provide clean air and work for the health and safety of the Maltese and Gozitan people and not use our hospitals as a commodity for shady business.

Our air and our health are not trade-offs for a pension or to make some individual­s better off. If the people do not support the need for the Gozo Tunnel, then it is his job to respect that and make an honest evaluation of the project instead of going ahead with disregard for the harm it will cause.

When he is called to answer in Parliament, that is exactly what he should do and not hide under an invisible cloak.

The truth is that one day he will become invisible to us and no one will even remember who Joseph Muscat was. He certainly is not helping himself with all his vacuous evasions and trying to avoid answering to the Courts of the land and civil organisati­ons.

Forget trying to compete against Joseph Muscat. There is no real political party behind him anyway. What there is, is a collective fear of being exposed but safe in the knowledge that that is as likely as Christmas coming in Summer.

We do not see a lawful government, where there is a normal opposition that serve in Parliament. What we see is a kindergart­en. From the television stations, to the DOI statements, to the people who are occasional­ly removed from office or the position of trust that they had before. And it’s quite a similar story over at the PN with the “Kardashian­s” there.

The government we have is just a book cover. There is nothing on the pages inside. It is a plagiarize­d government. A copy of what a government looks like but there are no real roots, no foundation other than a well milked opportunit­y to show a figurehead and to go where no law-abiding institute should.

There is more chance of Malta sinking under a tsunami then there is of us having a responsibl­e government.

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