Malta Independent

PM won’t remove Schembri, says chief of staff answering all questions in inquiry

- ■ Giulia Magri

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat yesterday defended his chief of staff, Keith Schembri, saying that the latter was answering all questions put to him as part of a magisteria­l inquiry into the company 17 Black.

The Malta Independen­t asked Muscat whether he would be removing Schembri in light of yesterday’s developmen­ts. Muscat, who was making his way to Parliament, asked the journalist what her interpreta­tion of what had happened was. The journalist replied that Schembri was doing everything he could to avoid testifying in the case.

Replying, Muscat said Schembri was replying to all questions in the inquiry. He [Schembri] quoted a decision by the superior courts saying that no other testimony should be given if there is an ongoing inquiry.

“The magistrate did not agree with this, and he is at liberty not to, but the legal advice that Keith Schemrbi has is that he should not testify in any other case as long as there is an ongoing inquiry.”

Pressed on whether he would be removing Schembri, the prime minister again said he did not understand the journalist’s interpreta­tion. “I think you read too much Simon Busuttil. He has no credibilit­y. Once the inquiry is concluded, all the facts will be made public.”

A short while later, Leader of the Opposition Adrian Delia asked whether the prime minister would be making a ministeria­l statement. “Is this situation acceptable to him, and will he defend silence against the truth? Will he shoulder political responsibi­lity?” Delia asked.

Muscat said he would not make a ministeria­l statement regarding the issue but said Delia had also dropped a court case in which he would have faced questions about possible money laundering. “The Opposition leader had been given the same advice because of an ongoing inquiry.”

The prime minister said he always respected court decisions, adding that the Opposition “lacked level-headedness and consistenc­y.”

Delia then insisted that he wanted to reply to the prime minister, but was stopped by Speaker Anglu Farrugia, who said the Opposition leader was “completely out of order.”

This newsroom also approached Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne, who refused to comment.

Speaking later during the plenary debate, Delia said it seemed some people were treated differentl­y to others. “If it is someone close to the prime minister, the law does not apply,” he said. “Politician­s must lead by example and be accountabl­e to the people. There is a different meaning to equality when it comes to politician­s,” he continued.

“According to the Prime Minister Muscat, people in the highest positions of trust do not have to submit themselves to public scrutiny.

“What the prime minister is saying is that a politician who represents the people – and is paid by the people – is not answerable to the people.

“Schembri invoked his right to remain silent so as not to incriminat­e himself. This is not normal in a democracy,” Delia continued, adding that the prime minister had to make Schembri do what was right. “The prime minister and the justice minister are supposed to be doing all they can to restore the country’s reputation. They had an opportunit­y to do this today.”

Replying to Muscat’s earlier accusation, Delia said he had never refused to testify in court when asked to do so. “If there is something the institutio­ns need to investigat­e, then I am here and available to answer every question, unlike Keith Schembri.”

He asked what Schembri was running from. “This story will not end here,” he declared. “Justice has a long arm and, if not today, the whole truth will come out tomorrow.”

He also asked whether there was even one minister who would put Malta and its people first.

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