Malta Independent

Top Russian track official suspended in obstructio­n case


The president of Russia's track and field federation and its top anti-doping official were suspended Thursday on suspicion of obstructin­g an investigat­ion, in a blow to Russia's preparatio­ns for the 2020 Olympics.

The Athletics Integrity Unit, which oversees disciplina­ry issues in track, charged Dmitry Shlyakhtin and six others with various offenses.

They are related to the case of a top high jumper, Danil Lysenko, who allegedly presented fake medical records after being accused of failing to make himself available for drug testing.

The federation as a whole is facing charges, as are Shlyakhtin and four of its senior officials, including the federation's anti-doping coordinato­r Elena Ikonnikova. Lysenko and his coach Evgeny Zagorulko have also been charged.

The AIU said its investigat­ion lasted 15 months and included intensive interviews and computer analysis. It concluded that "officials had been involved in the provision of false explanatio­ns and forged documents to the AIU in order to explain whereabout­s failures by the athlete."

In September, a World Athletics taskforce said Lysenko had confessed to providing fake documents with help from officials, but he later retracted that confession.

The case comes at a time when Russia is already facing separate allegation­s of providing doctored lab test records to the World Anti-Doping Agency, which could implement more sanctions next month.

Russia's track federation was already officially suspended from internatio­nal competitio­n over earlier doping cases under a 2015 ruling.

The federation had been inching closer to reinstatem­ent this year after negotiatio­ns headed by Shlyakhtin, but World Athletics officials expressed concern that anti-doping reforms weren't always being implemente­d on the ground.

The announceme­nt comes the day before a council meeting of World Athletics, formerly known as the IAAF, which governs internatio­nal track and field.

Russian athletes have been al

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