Malta Independent

Spanish league president condemns racism, fan street clashes


Spanish football was marred by a player being racially abused during a league game on Saturday, along with street clashes between rival fans outside stadiums before two matches.

The league president said the incidents had done "serious damage to Spanish football."

Athletic Bilbao forward Iñaki Williams said that he was a victim of racial abuse from fans while playing at Espanyol in the city of Barcelona.

"I suffered racist insults, something that no one wants to hear and has no place here," Williams said after the 1-1 draw.

Williams, who is black, played 82 minutes of the match before being substitute­d.

TV broadcaste­r Movistar showed Williams confrontin­g a section of Espanyol fans who were taunting him with monkey chants while a Bilbao teammate was taking a corner kick.

"People should come to enjoy themselves, to help their team. This is a sport about friendship," Williams said.

Espanyol condemned the incident and said it is working to identify the fans involved.

"Espanyol strongly condemns any expression­s of racism in a football stadium," the club said. "The club is investigat­ing the racist incident produced by a few fans against Iñaki Williams."

Williams did not say if he had reported the incident to the referee, whose report did not mention the racist chants.

Ultra fan groups clashed in the street before the match at Espanyol on Saturday and also outside Valencia's stadium before a game against Barcelona.

Video on social media showed groups of men tossing tables from bars and exchanging blows during both incidents.

"Today we have taken a step back in the work that we began years ago," Spanish league president Javier Tebas tweeted.

"The violent incidents in Barcelona and Valencia (and) the racist insults against Iñaki Williams do serious damage to Spanish football. La Liga assumes responsibi­lity and will look along with the clubs to find what we did wrong."

Espanyol identify 12 fans who racially insulted player

Spanish club Espanyol says it has identified 12 fans who racially insulted an Athletic Bilbao player in the Spanish league last weekend. Espanyol said on Monday in a statement that nine of the fans were club members and would face punishment that could include suspension or a full-time ban. It said a report of its analysis of the video images of Saturday's game at RCDE Stadium were sent to authoritie­s.

The club reiterated its "categorica­l condemnati­on of any displays of violence and racism."

The fans made monkey noises directed at Athletic forward Iñaki Williams, who is black. Television images showed Williams confrontin­g the section of Espanyol fans who taunted him after he was substitute­d late in the game in Barcelona.

The Spanish league said it will seek a partial stadium closure for Espanyol and will raise the incident with the Spanish soccer federation's competitio­n committee, which handles disciplina­ry issues.

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