Malta Independent

A reminder of what is needed


Malta needs to get its act together on the Venice Commission recommenda­tions, and quicken its step in terms of implementa­tion.

Pieter Omtzigt, PACE rapporteur on ‘Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassinat­ion and the rule of law in Malta and beyond: ensuring that the whole truth emerges’, met Prime Minister Robert Abela last Friday. During the meeting, Omtzigt took aim at the length of time it is taking the government to implement the Venice Commission recommenda­tions.

While it is true that some of the recommenda­tions have already been taken on board, others have not.

Since the Venice Commission’s visit a couple of years ago, Malta has, for example, moved to divide the functions of the attorney general, whereby the state advocate will be a chief consultant to the government, while the attorney general will be the public prosecutor. Prime Minister Abela had also said during the meeting with Omtzigt that the government is also in the process of splitting the functions of the police force, whereby the police will carry out investigat­ive duties, and it will then be up to the attorney general to lead the prosecutio­n.

However, certain issues have still not really moved forward. One example regards the appointmen­t of members of the judiciary. Among other things, the commission had suggested that judicial vacancies should be published; that the Judicial Appointmen­ts Committee (JAC) should rank the candidates upon merit on pre-existing, clear and transparen­t criteria for appointmen­t; that the JAC should propose a candidate or candidates directly to the President of Malta for appointmen­t; and that its proposals should be binding on the President.

These are just some steps that can be taken to better assure judicial independen­ce.

A main issue raised by the Venice Commission was the balance of power. The commission had said: “The predominan­ce of the prime minister and the concentrat­ion of powers enabled by the constituti­on shows that the system of checks and balances needs to be reinforced.”

Indeed to counter this, the other constituti­onal bodies needed to be strengthen­ed. While some action has been taken, more is needed, such as in the cases of the President, Parliament, judiciary, and the ombudsman. On the role of the President, the Venice Commission had recommende­d that the office be strengthen­ed by attributin­g him/her more powers of appointmen­t without the interventi­on of the prime minister, notably as concerns judicial appointmen­ts. “In addition, the election of the President with a qualified majority could be considered and it should be possible to remove the President by a qualified majority only.” Other proposals were also made.

With regard to Parliament, the commission had invited the Maltese authoritie­s to reflect on the continued desirabili­ty of having part-time MPs. It also recommende­d that serious thought be given to the fact that conflicts of interest should be avoided, among other things by strengthen­ing the rules on incompatib­ilities as laid down in the constituti­on and tightening the rules as regard appointmen­ts of MPs to officially appointed bodies. It also said that MPs should benefit from non-partisan informatio­n to perform their role of critical controller of the government, among other things.

In the case of the ombudsman, the commission recommende­d raising the rules on appointmen­t and dismissals of the ombudsman as well at his/her powers to a constituti­onal level.

On a positive note, Omtzigt, after his meeting at Castille, said: “I see a different attitude among this cabinet than the previous one. I feel that they have potential to make the right changes.” This gives a clear indication of the change in attitude by the government since Joseph Muscat stepped down and Robert Abela took over.

It is understand­able that constituti­onal reform takes time, and a number of the Venice Commission’s recommenda­tions require such reform. But perhaps there is a need to ramp up debate, and present clear options to the public in terms of what reforms the government wants.

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