Malta Independent

Too much emphasis on economic growth over preservati­on of environmen­t and heritage – Minister


There need to be stricter rules on the protection of scheduled buildings, Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government Jose Herrera told The Malta Independen­t.

In the past there have been planning applicatio­ns for scheduled buildings proposing interventi­ons that would, for example, retain the façade but involve the demolition of the rest or the constructi­on of more floors above. The Malta Independen­t asked Minister Herrera, who is also a former environmen­t minister, whether there should be stricter rules on the protection of scheduled buildings and whether people should be allowed to build additional floors on top of them.

Minister Herrera said that it is about time that more of an emphasis were placed on the preservati­on of Malta’s local heritage buildings.

“In my personal and political opinion, yes, it is about time we put our foot down and preserved our village cores, our prestigiou­s buildings and heritage.”

He said that within the Ministry for Culture, there is the Superinten­dence for Cultural Heritage, which plays an important role, as every applicatio­n is vetted by the superinten­dence. “We receive around 10,000 applicatio­ns per year,” said Herrera. He said that now is the time to protect the island’s environmen­t and heritage.

“I am not happy with how things have been going for the past few years,” explained Herrera. “We have put too much emphasis and importance on the economic side of things, without preserving our environmen­t or heritage.”

He said that more must be done to protect the environmen­t and Malta’s patrimony.

“If we do not do this, we will slowly destroy the flavour and texture of our country, and my intention is to do my best to protect our heritage.”

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