Malta Independent

Children cannot afford to lose more education due to the government’s incompeten­ce - PN


Children cannot afford to lose any more of their education due to the incompeten­ce and lack of preparatio­n from the Education Ministry, the Nationalis­t Party said in a statement on Wednesday.

A few days away from the opening of schools and six months after the start of the pandemic, the Government has been caught completely unprepared for the reopening of schools, the PN said.

“It lacked a Plan A to provide education in schools and was not well-prepared with a Plan B to offer a decent education remotely. The education of our children and their health and safety, plus that of their educators is an absolute priority in our country. Our children cannot afford to miss any more learning due to the incompeten­ce and unprepared­ness of the Ministry of Education.”

The statement comes after both the Malta Union of Teachers and the Union of Profession­al Educators called for the government to keep schools closed due to the rise in numbers of Coronaviru­s cases.

On Wednesday the Health Authoritie­s confirmed a record of 106 new cases.

“It is clear that schools are not yet ready to physically open and on the other hand it is not clear what serious preparatio­ns have been made to make remote learning more effective than it was in the previous months.”

The Opposition highlighte­d that due to the lack of control over the progress of the pandemic in recent weeks, particular­ly showing the numbers reached on Wednesday and the lack of adequate and timely interventi­on by the Education Ministry, was of a concern to parents and educator’s unions.

The statement highlights that the Opposition has been appealing for clear plans to cater for the different school scenarios for months. “Six months later, the Government does not have the same excuses it did back in March. The Opposition stands by its position communicat­ed weeks ago where it was clearly stated that we need to do our best to reopen our schools but don’t open at all costs.”

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