Malta Independent

COVID spares PN’s blushes


The third week of September for many years was associated with the Nationalis­t Party.

The evenings used to be filled with activities organised by the PN to celebrate Independen­ce Day. For a whole week, the Granaries Square in Floriana became a PN home, with food and informatio­n stands set up, political discussion­s held, very often involving the party leader, and offering a meeting place for thousands of people who identified with the party.

The culminatio­n of activities then came on the 20th of September, the eve of Independen­ce Day, when a mass meeting was held, attracting huge crowds year in, year out. The speech delivered by the party leader was the highlight, as it served to indicate the way forward, both when the party was in government, and also when it was in opposition.

The PN gave great importance to Independen­ce Day even when there were attempts to minimise the historical developmen­t achieved in 1964. During the dark pre-1987 years of Labour, Independen­ce Day was not listed among the national holidays. But, in defiance, the PN still held events to celebrate the occasion, with PN supporters risking their well-being too as there were times when they were pelted with stones.

They were different times in a different era.

The last few years have not been good for the PN, and the Independen­ce activities suffered too. Attendance­s dwindled as the party faced one internal crisis after another. An effort to revitalise the Independen­ce events by moving them to the open area near the Parliament building – some say this was done to hide the fact that not too many people were taking part – did not bring in new enthusiasm. Last year’s mass meeting was one of the smallest ever.

Another year has passed and, this time, the Nationalis­t Party did not organise any activities related to Independen­ce Day. Officially, this has been done because of the situation regarding COVID-19. With restrictio­ns in place related to social gatherings and mass activities, the party has opted not to hold any events. Rightly so, one may add.

But, in a way, the Coronaviru­s restrictio­ns have served as a blessing in disguise for the PN. It would have been very awkward for the party to hold such celebratio­ns right in the middle of a campaign for the leadership. Disputes between the two candidates on air-time and space in the PN media have abounded in the past days, and one can only imagine what would have happened if any official party activities had been held during Independen­ce week.

Three years ago, when Delia took over, the leadership race was over just in time before the Independen­ce Day celebratio­ns started, and were used to “introduce” Delia as the new party and Opposition Leader, with Delia finishing them off by addressing a mass meeting for the first time. This time, although it was originally intended for the party to conclude the leadership race before 21 September, the lengthy process will take the race beyond that date.

This year, the third week of September will serve for the two candidates vying for the leadership to submit their nomination for the post. In the space of seven years, this is the third race for the leadership when, previously, the PN had only three leaders between 1950 and 2013.

Different times, a different era indeed.

 ??  ?? A cow grazes while being watched by the public at Wanstead Park in London, yesterday, for the first time in 150-years. The City of London Corporatio­n, which manages the park, has put carefully selected cattle from its 200-strong herd out to graze as part of a two-month trial throughout September and October. The pilot is part of a plan to use cattle to better manage and to restore the acid-grasslands in the area for wildlife conservati­on, including rare plant species, insects and spiders. Photo: AP
A cow grazes while being watched by the public at Wanstead Park in London, yesterday, for the first time in 150-years. The City of London Corporatio­n, which manages the park, has put carefully selected cattle from its 200-strong herd out to graze as part of a two-month trial throughout September and October. The pilot is part of a plan to use cattle to better manage and to restore the acid-grasslands in the area for wildlife conservati­on, including rare plant species, insects and spiders. Photo: AP

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