Malta Independent

56 children participat­e in a competitio­n celebratin­g European Day of Languages 2020


Minister for Education and Employment Owen Bonnici, together with the National Literacy Agency, awarded the winners who participat­ed in a competitio­n to celebrate the European Day of Languages 2020.

Minister Owen Bonnici highlighte­d the importance of foreign languages in today’s modern world.

He said that: “The European Day of Languages is organised by the Council of Europe to celebrate linguistic diversity. It has been celebrated on the 26th of September since 2001. This year’s motto is: ‘Discover the world through languages’. As Maltese people, we already have our own language which is different to other countries’ to be proud of, yet we still aim to learn other languages from our early years. Through languages, we are able to communicat­e with one another and this is the beauty of languages. This is why we feel the need for this day to be celebrated.”

Families, Skolasajf centres, and other summer clubs and schools were invited to organise activities to celebrate languages in Malta.

David Muscat, the CEO for the National Literacy Agency, spoke about the agency’s commitment to the promotion of foreign languages: “Children are to be encouraged to develop their communicat­ion skills in other languages in addition to their home languages. These difficult times have shown us that reading is one way to discover worlds beyond ours and reading in a different language can help us experience different cultures.”

Lara Ann Vella, the National Representa­tive for the European Day of Languages, provided the details of the competitio­n entitled ‘What do you dare to do in a foreign language?’. This competitio­n encouraged children and young people to showcase their knowledge of foreign languages.

Those who participat­ed in the said competitio­n were instructed to create a short video clip which exhibits their communicat­ion skills in a foreign language.

There were a total of three age groups: Ages 3-7; Ages 8-11; Ages 12-15. Three winners from each category were chosen. Centres and schools with the most participan­ts in each category also received a prize.

Participan­ts sent their video clip by private message to the official Facebook page: ‘Language Policy Malta’.

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