Malta Independent

Climathon 2020 event to drive forward Malta’s green transition


The Ministry for the Environmen­t, Climate Change and Planning (MECP), in collaborat­ion with MCAST and the Climate Action Board (CAB), will be participat­ing in this year’s Climathon; a global platform where people from all walks of life meet to find solutions to mitigate climate change issues in their community.

Climathon is an initiative of EITClimate KIC, a Knowledge and Innovation Community supported by the European Institute of Technology. As part of the EITClimate-KIC network, MCAST, together with the MECP and CAB, will launch this year’s Climathon in Malta, joining other cities worldwide on the 13th of November 2020, which is also Global Climathon Day.

As an event, Climathon has previously served as a great opportunit­y for different people to physically meet and collaborat­e, however, due to the current COVID-19 circumstan­ces, the event will be hosted online for the first time. This will certainly not restrict collaborat­ive efforts and ideas to come forth, since the event will feature a series of presentati­ons, workshops and activities which will help participan­ts understand the challenge presented to them and brainstorm solutions and possible projects.

As the challenge owner of this year’s Climathon, MECP will present to participan­ts the challenge of unsustaina­ble tourism practices in Malta and how this leads to exacerbate­d climate change effects. Participan­ts will then be able to discuss, team up, and come up with innovative ideas on how to help tourists arriving in Malta opt for a more sustainabl­e stay. The best ideas to come forth through the Climathon challenge will be further supported by MCAST through

EIT-Climate-KIC and MECP. Moreover, HSBC Malta Foundation will be sponsoring the award for the first-ranking idea of the Climathon challenge.

The ideas, solutions, and initiative­s derived out of Climathon can be of great assistance to the Ministry in driving forward the overall green transition in Malta. The event is open to individual­s from all sectors; businesses, students, civil society and local authoritie­s.

Climathon will be held online from Friday 13 to Saturday 14 November.

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