Malta Independent

Balance and sensitivit­y: Government has duty to sustain Valletta, private operators - SMEs Chamber


Balance and sensitivit­y should be the priority to help the country survive the current crisis, the Chamber of SMEs said, noting that it is the government’s duty to sustain Valletta and private operators during the pandemic.

The statement refers to an activity organised by the government called ‘Christmas in the City’, which was announced on Monday with the aim of encouragin­g more people to go to Valletta during the Christmas period and bringing a sense of Christmas-spirit to the capital.

The event has drawn stinging criticism from the Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses, the Medical Associatio­n of Malta, and the Malta Environmen­tal Health Officers Associatio­n amongst others.

The Tourism Ministry on Tuesday clarified that no mass events or parties will be taking place, and that everything is being done in line with health protocols - although when asked for comment on Monday, Health Minister Chris Fearne said that he still had to look at the details of what was planned.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Chamber of SMEs said that one needs to find balance in order to avoid severe repercussi­ons.

“Valletta businesses have had a very bad year due to COVID, much worse than that experience­d in any other locality. A good number have had to close and let people go. Calling it a day is a very hard decision and the repercussi­ons of such decisions are being much underestim­ated today. Waking up not having a job to go to is a very harsh reality with devastatin­g effects on the person and the family”, the Chamber said.

They said that the Capital city is ideal for many reasons during the current times. It has large openair spaces and in total Valletta covers a significan­t area. People are still finding ways to enjoy the outdoors and Valletta is currently safe and under-utilised.

“Highlighti­ng this function of Valletta and giving the families, seeking to enjoy some quality time safely, a small token of encouragem­ent in terms of free parking is very balanced and sensitive in the current times”, they said.

The Chamber noted that hopefully a solution through the vaccine is fast approachin­g and one will be able to return to an increased level of normality, however in the meantime “we must be balanced and sensitive to avoid severe repercussi­ons.”

“People want to go on living their lives safely and it is the duty of the Government to provide such a space with the best possible conditions to do so. It is also the duty of the Government to sustain Valletta and private operators in this great time of need,” they said.

“No Notte Bianca or event-like activity was announced yesterday. Some Christmas lights and kids choir can hardly be referred to as an activity, let alone an event”, they added.

“The Health Authoritie­s have been consulted and there are clear protocols that must be followed. Apart from this everyone has his own responsibi­lities to follow and the authoritie­s have their important function to address anyone acting in disregard. A few bad apples cannot steal away everyone else’s enjoyment of the Christmas spirit,” the Chamber continued.

The Chamber said that it is categorica­lly against any irresponsi­bility and breach of health regulation­s. Health and the economy are not against each other. “Quite to the contrary they go hand-in-hand and we will continue being against any attempts to upset this balance from either side.”

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